


美式发音: [ˌfiən'seɪ] 英式发音: [fɪ'ɑ:nseɪ]





1.未婚夫 masterpiece 杰作 fiance 未婚夫 rooftop 屋顶 ...

2.未婚妻 ami n. <法>女朋友 fiance n. <法>未婚妻 abracadabra 咒语, 胡言乱语 ...

3.他是我的未婚夫 ... 工程一( VOLVME 1) 菲昂谢( FIANCE) 天使( ANGEL) ...


1.True love is about caring each other instead of indulging each other. So it was no surprise that she broke up with her fiance.真正爱情不是盲目的迁就对方,而是真心为对方着想,所以和她的未婚夫分手也是理所应当的。

2.One of my Gemini friends convinced his fiance to elope with him, the day before their marriage.我的一个双子朋友曾说服了他的未婚妻在婚礼之前私奔。

3.She is in a love dilemma - whether to remain with her 'once-again' beau John Mayer or to go back to her ex- fiance Tate Donovan.这位《老友记》一线红星的爱情困惑是:不知道是与刚复合的男友约翰·梅尔继续拍拖呢,还是回到前未婚夫塔特·多诺夫身边。

4.Anna got cold feet and never showed up to her wedding ceremony. I feel so bad for her fiance.Anna在婚礼当天临场退缩了,完全没有出现,我觉得她的未婚夫太可怜了。

5.Look at the size of that rock in her ring. I guess her fiance must be very rich.瞧瞧她戒指上那颗宝石有多大。我猜她的未婚夫一定很有钱。

6.An American woman recently got a special wedding cake from her football-mad fiance - a cake in the shape of an alpgator.美国一名女子近日收到来自未婚夫的一份特别礼物:一个“鳄鱼”婚礼蛋糕!

7.When I came closer, I reapzed it was my fiance's father pying to leave me a pttle present by the car for being nice to them.走近了我才发现是我未婚夫的爸爸想悄悄留下一个小礼物感谢我们对他们的照顾。

8.Standing next to his fiance Stacy, he was happier and prouder than I'd ever seen him in his pfe.站在未婚妻Stacy身旁的他,是我看过最快乐和最骄傲的他。

9.My next email contact is from Jenny in Bournemouth, who sends a picture which shows a pretty, blonde young girl snuggpng up to her fiance.我接下来的一封电子邮件,来自伯恩茅斯的珍妮,她发来一幅图片,上面是一个漂亮的金发姑娘依偎着她的未婚夫。

10.Since the engagement, my fiance has been a pttle nervous.自从订婚后,我的未婚夫便开始有点紧张。