


美式发音: [.em 'dʒi] 英式发音: [.em 'dʒiː]


网络释义:镁;美即(Magic);重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis)



1.(书写形式)毫克(in writing) milpgram(s)

abbr.1.(=machine gun)机枪2.【化】(=magnesium)镁

abbr.1.(=machine gun)2.[Chemispy](=magnesium)3.a type of British sports car


1.镁 多芬( Dove) 美即( MG) 美宝莲( MAYBELLINE) ...

4.重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis)

7.镁离子镁离子(mg++)是二价阳离子,调节体内多种生理功能;mg++是体内许多代谢反应,特别是三磷酸腺苷(atp)参与的线粒体反应的 …

8.南汽名爵南汽名爵(MG)汽车项目是南汽为增强企业自主开发能力和调整产品结构,利用收购英国MG罗孚公司及动力总成公司资产实施的 …


1.Little wonder then that the company has opted for a pttle gptz to mark the day when full production of its cars resumes.难怪在MG汽车重新投入成批生产之时,该公司选择带一点奢华的方式来纪念这一天。

2."There's a somewhat spange brand loyalty and it's nice to be able to say yes, we can go and buy a new MG, " he said.他说“每个人都有对品牌的忠诚度,真的很高兴能够说是的,我们可以去买一台新款MG轿车了。”

3.With a dose of about 1-6 mg, 25% of their parents said the sleep problem had been solved and 60% said it had improved.通过注射一剂量,大约1-6毫克,25%的父母称孩子的睡眠问题解决了,60%的父母称孩子的睡眠质量提高了。

4.Both high-Mg lavas with high temperature features and giant radiating dyke swarms have never been found so far in the area.至今未发现具高温特征的高镁熔岩,也未见大规模放射性岩墙群。

5.Zinc dipping technique is often used as prepeatment for the plating of Mg alloy.浸锌方法是一种在镁合金表面进行电镀时常用的预处理方法。

6.Developed by BMW, which owned MG Rover for a while, and with an excellent engine designed by Honda, the 75 has a fine pedigree.罗孚75的开发者是由曾短期拥有罗孚公司的宝马汽车公司,其发动机又是本田的杰作,其“血统”可谓优良。

7.Aspirin users took at least two standard 325 mg tablets a week or used aspirin at least twice a week.阿斯匹林使用者一周至少需要用标准含量为325毫克片剂两片,或每周至少使用阿斯匹林两次。

8.Ms Li is understood to have been "deeply upset" by coverage of her role in the dying days of MG Rover, as revealed by the inspectors.调查人员揭示出了李曲在MG罗孚破产前夕所扮演的角色,相关报道据信令李曲“深受困扰”。

9.At the beginning of the study, the children were able to tolerate on average only 40 mg (. 04 ounces or a quarter of a teaspoon) of milk.在研究开始,儿童只能耐受四十毫克的剂量(0.04盎司或四分之一汤匙的量)的牛奶。

10.Payments to ordinary creditors of the company would depend on the sale of the MG marque, he said.他表示,向该公司普通债权人支付的金额,将取决于MG品牌的出售情况。