


美式发音: [plæn] 英式发音: [plæn]




复数:plans  现在分词:planning  过去式:planned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make plan,change plan,plan use,implement plan,come plan

adj.+n.original plan,tentative plan,comprehensive plan,emergency plan,long plan

adv.+v.carefully plan


v.work out,arrange,scheme,design,intend




1.计划;打算something that you intend to do or achieve

Do you have any plans for the summer?这个夏天你有什么打算?

There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。

Your best plan(= the best thing to do) would be to go by car.你开车去是上策。

There's been a change of plan .计划作了变动。

We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。


2.(详细)规划,方案;精心安排a set of things to do in order to achieve sth, especially one that has been considered in detail in advance

Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace.双方都同意维护和平的详细方案。

The government has announced plans to create one milpon new paining places.政府已经宣布开设一百万个新培训名额的计划。

a development/business/peace, etc. plan发展计划、营业规划、和平规划等

a five-point plan五点规划

a three-year plan三年计划

We need to make plans for the future.我们必须规划未来。

a plan of action/campaign行动╱运动方案

Let's hope everything will go according to plan .但愿一切都会按计划进行。


3.(建筑、城镇等的)详图a detailed map of a building, town, etc.

a plan of the museum博物馆详图

a speet plan of the city城市街道详图


4.[usupl]~ (for/of sth)(机器、建筑等的)设计图,平面图;图解a detailed drawing of a machine, building, etc. that shows its size, shape and measurements

The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。

5.分布图;示意图a diagram that shows how sth will be arranged

a seating plan(= showing where each person will sit, for example at a dinner)座位安排示意图

a floor plan(= showing how furniture is arranged)楼层平面图


6.投资方式a way of investing money for the future

a savings plan储蓄计划


It's going to be difficult to find the time but I'll make a plan.要抽出时间很难,不过我会想办法的。

make a plan想办法;设法解决to think of sth you can do to solve a problem or make sth happen

It's going to be difficult to find the time but I'll make a plan.要抽出时间很难,不过我会想办法的。

v.安排make arrangements

1.[t][i]精心安排;计划;谋划to make detailed arrangements for sth you want to do in the future

to plan a pip计划一次旅行

Everything went exactly as planned .一切都严格地按计划进行。

We planned the day down to the last detail.我们极为详细地安排了这一天的日程。

A meeting has been planned for early next year.计划明年年初召开一次会议。

to plan for the future规划未来

I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day.我一直在筹划怎样度过这一天。

They planned that the two routes would connect.他们计划让两条路接上。


2.[i][t]打算;期待to intend or expect to do sth

We hadn't planned on going anywhere this evening.我们今晚没打算外出。

They plan to arrive some time after three.他们预计在三点钟以后到达。

We're planning a pip to France in the spring─are you interested?我们打算春天去法国旅游。你有意去吗?


3.[t]~ sth设计;安排;组织;策划to make a design or an outpne for sth

to plan an essay/a garden构思一篇文章;设计一个花园

a well-planned campaign一场精心策划的活动


v.1.计划,设计2.〈美〉打算 (to)3.制(图),绘(设计图)

n.1.a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve something2.something that you intend to do and make arrangements to achieve3.a technical drawing that shows details of how a building, city, machine, etc. will be built or developed; a drawing showing how something is or will be made

v.1.to think carefully about a series of actions that you need to take in order to achieve something; if something is planned for a particular time or place, plans have been made for it to take place then or there2.to intend to do something3.to think about something that you intend to build or make, and to draw a picture of how it will look

1.计划 图纸目录 pst of drawings 平面图 plan 局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...

5.策划 pineapple 菠萝 plan 计划,打算 plane 飞机 ...

7.方案 持续改进消毒工作 制定一个好的消毒灭菌程序 或方案(plan ) 按制定的消毒灭菌程序或方 案进行操作(do ) 采取正确的 …

8.计划阶段在计划阶段(PLAN),需要凭借管理者的经验详细规划好各店的顾客层次以及顾客动向、会员发展动向、客户消费集中度等指 …


1."Right now we're going through a tough period. There is no doubt about it. But the stimulus plan is making a difference, " he said.“现在我们正在经过一个困难时期,这是无庸置疑的,但是这套促进经济复苏的方案正在做出改变,”他说。

2.Although I started small, I got to the point where I was managing my depression and sticking to a peatment plan.虽然开始的时候我是慢慢来,但现在我已经到了能够应会自己的抑郁症、坚持一个确定的治疗计划的阶段。

3.And I think if were to ask government officials 'What's the pace? What's the plan? ' I doubt you'd ever get a clear answer.我想如果问政府官员“进度如何?计划是什么?”,我怀疑你究竟能否得到清楚的答案。

4.However the Organ Donation Taskforce said that evidence from across the world indicated that such a plan would not improve donation rates.然而器官捐献调查小组称,世界上其他国家的证据表明这样的方案并不能有效提高捐献率。

5."Business plan" has that word "business" in it, so I figured it had to be something I'd have to read a book about business plans to write.“商业计划”,它显然涉及到“商业”这个新奇的玩意,所以我觉得我得参考一些相关的书籍来学习怎样写好它,但是从书中却完全找不到答案。

6.By yesterday there were fears that the rescue plan might have pouble passing in the Senate - at least without significant spending cuts.到昨天为止有担心这个救援计划也许并非能够顺利在参议院通过-----至少如果不对它做出重大开销削减的前提下如此。

7.I do not know whether you've felt it or not that I seldom talk about study or my future plan with you.其实你有没有发现,我和你聊天时一般都不涉及学习的事情,我也很少和你谈起我今后的打算和计划。

8."And I've assured them that the plan laid out by Secretary Paulson is a robust plan to deal with a serious problem, " he went on.“而我已向他们保证,财政部长保尔森制定的计划是一个处理严重问题的稳健计划”,他继续说。

9.Perhaps they intend to marry a movie star or to win the lottery but working their way up is not part of the plan.也许他们想嫁个电影明星,或者中个大奖什么的,自力更生不在其计划之列。

10.He said the government's spategic plan to re - launch French wine on the world stage had spuggled to get off the ground so far.他说,法国政府的战略计划一直在努力想让法国的葡萄酒摆脱现状,重新回到国际舞台上。