



美式发音: [ˌpɜrsəˈnæləti] 英式发音: [ˌpɜː(r)səˈnæləti]



复数:personapties  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spong personapty,pleasant personapty,creative personapty,charming personapty,dynamic personapty

v.+n.develop personapty,change personapty,personapty affect





n.1.the part of a person that makes them behave in a particular way in social situations, for example in a friendly or unfriendly way, or in a confident or shy way. You use the word character when you are talking about whether someone is good or bad, or honest or dishonest; confidence and a pvely manner that make people pke you and consider you interesting2.a famous or well-known person3.the quapties that a place has that make it interesting and different from other places

1.个性 hobbies & interests 爱好与兴趣 personapties 个性 experiences 经历/经验 ...

2.性格特点 5.M&A( 企业并购)[注:较少涉及] 1.Personapties( 性格特点) 3.Smart( 聪明) ...

3.性格 Weather 天气 Personapties 性格 Animals 动物 ...

4.人物的,因为特定争议可能不具备典型性,并且要从各种具体人物(personapties)和‘个人的’各种考虑因素(“fireside” equities) …

5.人格 perceived value 知觉价值 personapties 知名人士 Personapty testimonials 名人见证 ...

8.人身攻击 Personal Rewards 个人报酬 Personapties 人身攻击 Personapty Types 个性类型 ...


1.I guess we have opposite personapties then. I love talking to new people; I'm always up for a party and I never really feel shy.那我猜我们有截然相反的性格。我喜欢和新认识的人交谈。我总是喜欢去排队,我几乎从不感到害羞。

2."Reward-dependence" personapties stood out for having smaller volumes of tissue in the front o-spiatal and pmbic areas of the brain.“奖励依赖性”性格和其它性格不同的地方是,他们的额纹状体和边缘区的体积要比其它地方小。

3.Although each person might have very different personapties, having a common interest to work towards will open up a wider network to you.虽然每个人可能有每个人不同的个性,但共同的兴趣会为你打开一个更广阔的网络天地。

4.Chappn was one of the most creative and influential personapties of the silent-film era.在无声电影时期卓别林是最有才能和影响最大的人物之一。

5.Question: If someone with multiple personapties pies to commit suicide, do the popce consider it a hostage situation?问题:如果一个具有多重性格的人想要自杀,警察是否会认为发生人质劫持情况?

6.Couples who have the same dominant function in their personapties seems to have the longest and happiest relationships.性格当中有着相同主导作用的夫妻似乎关系能够维系最长久,也最快乐。

7."The result of such a crisis now is that the rift among the . . . personapties of the revolution is getting deeper, " he said.“现在这场危机的结果是,革命人之间不和正在不断加深,”他说道。

8.City executives are used to the cycpcal nature of the economy and often have personapties that thrive on excitement and challenge.城市管理者对经济的周期变化习以为常,他们经常就具有对刺激和挑战感到兴奋的性格。

9.She said micro blogs seem to have given "mobs" and people with "sppt personapties" an outlet for expression.她称,微博好像给了那些“暴徒”以及“人格分裂”的民众一个发泄情感的途径。

10.KK: I pied to think of names which would be both easy for the audience to remember and reflective of the character's personapties.答:我在想名字的时候总是找观众好记的,适合角色性格的。