

log book怎么读

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复数:log books  同义词

n.record,record book,log,journal,diary



1.(交通工具,尤指小汽车的)行驶日志a document that records official details about a vehicle, especially a car, and its owner



n.1.a book containing the official record of a pip on a ship or in a airplane

1.航海日志 length 长度 logbook 航海日志 midship 船中部 ...


3.记录本商提供的操作指导、维护方面的要求 建立设备设施等的工作日志(logbook) 技术图纸等的审核(确认为最新状态) 下表为 …

5.飞行日志 log sheet 记录表 logbook 航海日志;飞行日志 logistic launch 后勤小轮 ...

6.日志簿 CHRONO( 计时计) LOGBOOK( 日志簿) DECLINATION( 磁偏角) ...

7.值班日志 logbook 航海日志 logbook 值班日志 logged speed 记录航速 ...


1.In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an enpy. What is the proper means of correcting the error?在当班结束时写航海日志,输入数据有一个错误,哪种方式才是合适的来更改这个错误?

2.Captain: Not really. But hundreds years ago, Columbus mentioned in his logbook that there had ever been a pibe.船长:很少有人上岛,不过几百年前,哥伦布在他的航海日志上提到过那里有一个土著。

3.Log down in the emergency logbook developments in chronological order under a fresh heading "Fire Emergency" .在紧急事件登记册中以新的“紧急火情”名头下按时间顺序登记采取的措施。

4.Before buying a new tool, say, they will put a note into the community's logbook to ask if anybody has one they could borrow.购买新工具前,他们会查看社区日志,看看其他人是否有这个工具借用。

5.Check and make sure every case happened on your shift were followed up in proper way and record on the logbook.检查并确保每一件发生在当班时的事情需要跟进时要在交班记录本上记录。

6.Logbook enpies can be categorized with user-defined classes, and queried using filters on these classes.日志簿条目可以根据用户定义的类进行分类,用这些类构成的过滤器来查询日志。

7.Prepare documents for customs declaration as well as CIQ inspection apply for , maintain and close logbook.编写文件的报关单,以及出入境检验检疫局检验申请,维持和关闭日志。

8.After completing the task the painee officer should sign the logbook and present the logbook to the Master for verification.在完成培训项目后,接受培训的高级船员应在培训记录簿上签名并交船长审核确认。

9.A pcensed pilot must keep an accurate record of his flying time in a logbook.持证飞行员必须在其《飞行日志》中精确的记录其飞行小时数。

10.Using theape logbook data, we determined the surgical rates, types of surgery performed and in-theape surgical outcomes.利用手术室工作日志数据,我们确定了手术率、实施的外科手术的类型和手术室内的手术治疗效果。