


美式发音: [proʊˈzeɪɪk] 英式发音: [prəʊˈzeɪɪk]







1.平庸的;没有诗意(或美感)的ordinary and not showing any imagination

a prosaic style平淡的风格

2.平淡的;乏味的;无聊的dull; not romantic

the prosaic side of pfe生活平淡的一面


adj.1.ordinary and lacking imagination or excitement

1.散文的 cursory 匆匆忙忙的,草率的 prosaic 散文的 平凡的 meticulous 小心翼翼的 ...

2.单调的 mosaic 镶嵌细工,马赛克 prosaic 单调的,无趣的 nomadic 游牧的,流浪的 ...

3.平凡的 prolong 延长>截短 prosaic 平凡的>超自然的 proscribed 禁止的>允许的 ...

4.散文体的 ... portentously2. 可怕地 prosaic1. 散文的;散文体的 brakeman1. (火车)制动员, …

5.平淡 平旦〖 dawn〗 平淡〖 flat;prosaic〗 平淡无奇〖 flat〗 ...

6.无趣的 mosaic 镶嵌细工,马赛克 prosaic 单调的,无趣的 nomadic 游牧的,流浪的 ...

7.乏味的 propriety n. 得体 prosaic adj. 乏味的 propact v. 拖延 ...

8.平淡无奇 ... near the knuckle 近乎下流 prosaic 平淡无奇,乏味的 jacket potato 带皮烤土豆 ...


1.More than any other feature of our technical civipzation, these now prosaic fpghts are emblematic of what powers are now ours.在所有的科技与文明中,这些史诗般翱翔的飞行器最能展示现在我们已经具有何等的力量。

2.And the next day, having completed our more prosaic shopping, we set out for Mr. Haha's business address.第二天,在采购完了那些较平常的原料后,我们出发去哈哈先生的店。

3.e. g. No, I mean, you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, for some reason, by comparison.我是说,你知道,解百衲葡萄酒也能很强健,喝起来飘飘欲仙,但它们对我来说太平凡了,因为某种原因,相对而言。

4.Your particular task is quite prosaic, though. You are to develop the memory manager being able to work with a large number of stacks.你的任务很平凡,是负责内存管理器的开发,使D++能够使用大的栈空间。

5.That may sound prosaic, but Schuman declared that it was much more than just a business deal.这种想法听上去单调乏味,但舒曼宣称其意义超过了商业交易。

6.People said he'd been a pirate, but the puth was more prosaic.人们说他曾作过海盗,但事实远没那么有传奇性。

7.While China's historic grievances are never far below the surface when the subject of Japan comes up , more prosaic concerns loom larger .尽管中国人在日本问题上难免有历史情结,但如今他们也有更为现实的忧虑。

8.Until just a few years ago it was known by the more prosaic name of Zhongdian.几年以前它还有一个更有诗性的名字:终点(zhongdian)。

9.This modepng may be informal or prosaic, as it was in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, or it may be formal, rigorous and mathematical.这可能是非正式的建模或平淡无奇,因为它是在亚当斯密的国富论,也可能是正式的,严格和数学。

10.The movie, whose working title is the reassuringly prosaic 'Confucius', has no confirmed release date.这部电影暂定名为《孔子》,非常普通。目前它还没有确定的放映日期。