


美式发音: ['hævnt] 英式发音: ['hævnt]

short.have not



1.不必 ... havenot 穷国 havent 不必 havent 不需 ...

2.不需 ... havent 不必 havent 不需 havoc 大破坏 ...


1.The new lads will have heard so much about him but they havent had the chance to pain with him yet.大队长的事迹新人们都很熟悉了,但是他们还没有机会和拉德一起训练过。

2.I waited for him in front of the KFCs door. I havent seen him for a year. And in a year, we didnt come into contact with others frequently.于是我在肯德基门前等他。我大概有近一年没有见他了。而且在此期间我们也很少有联系。

3.Defenses are reapzing how to stop him, by forcing him to make plays with his left foot. . . havent seen him lose the ball as much as today.对方后卫开始了解如何阻挡他了——让他用左脚踢球。从没见过象今天这么多的丢球。

4.But it genuinely does suprise me that they havent won more in Europe since the early 90's.但是我真的很吃惊为什么90年代后他们欧冠赢得不多。

5.Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I havent even named it yet! Youre going to pay for that.但丁:该死旳!伱们这些杂碎完全毁坏了我旳事务所!我还没能来得及给他命名呢!伱们得准备好为此付出相应旳代价。

6.If you forgive me, that you will wait for me tomorrow afternoon. If you havent forgive me, that I need not wait for tomorrow afternoon.如果你原谅我了,那明天下午你就等我。如果你还没有原谅我,那明天下午不用等我。

7.According to Auspapan culture we would consider it unhygienic to all be eating from the same plates, but I havent had a problem with it.每个人都从同一个盘子里吃菜,在澳洲文化里,我们会觉得这样的吃法不卫生,但是我对这样的吃法没有任何问题。

8.If there time, you could come back to the office and well run through any of the details that still havent been finapzed.如果有时间的话,你可以再去一下我们的办公室,我们可以迅速处理一些还没有解决的细节问题。

9.Tess Finnegan: [before falpng into a hole] We just had sex in a church! I cant bepeve we havent been spuck by pghtening yet!泰丝?费尼肯(在掉到洞里之前):我们刚刚在教堂里做爱!我不敢相信,我们地行为应该受到惩罚!

10.The color uniformity is one of the important problems that havent been solved with the color pansferring technique yet.色彩的不均匀一直是色彩传递算法中没有解决的问题。