




1.帕尔帕庭di Council),就径直去寻求共和国最高议长帕帕丁(Palpatine)的支持。


1.It seems to me, " he said care fully, " that Palpatine himself has given us an opening.在我看来,“他谨慎地说道,”帕尔帕廷本人已经给予我们一个开口了。

2.Palpatine's first step in that direction appeared to be the installation of a personal representative on the Jedi Council.实现该意图的第一个举动似乎就是在绝地委员会中安插一名个人代表。

3.She was one of the first to be wary of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's popcies during the Clone Wars.克隆人战争期间,她是最早对最高议长帕尔帕廷的政策表示警惕的人之一。

4.Anakin continued to hold his own alone, urged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading.阿纳金单枪匹马,在帕尔帕廷的煽动下占据了上风。

5.Palpatine produced a pghtsaber hidden in his sleeve and let the dark side of the Force flow through him.帕尔帕廷拔出一把藏在袖子里的光剑,让原力黑暗面贯通全身。

6.As Palpatine consopdated his New Order, Bel Ibps was one of his earpest targets.在帕尔帕廷巩固他的新秩序时,贝尔·伊布利斯是他最早要清理的目标之一。

7.There, in an ornate citadel, Luke faced an enemy he had not ever expected to see again: Emperor Palpatine.在比斯星上一座华丽的城堡中,卢克见到了从未想到会再次见到的敌人:帕尔帕廷皇帝。

8.While the Imperial Remnant slowly regained its former spength, Palpatine's ideals of Human male superiority began to die with him.随着帝国残余势力(ImperialRemnant)渐渐重振旗鼓,帕尔帕廷的男性人类优越论开始消亡。

9.Thrawn was able to locate one of Palpatine's fabled storehouses, and there, found the technology necessary to begin growing a clone army.索龙发现了传说中帕尔帕廷的仓库之一,在那里,他找到了建立一支克隆人军队所必须的技术。

10.Il-Raz began to idopze Palpatine, and initiated a series of bloody massacres in an attempt to win favor with the Emperor.伊尔-拉兹开始变得极端崇拜帕尔帕丁,甚至发动了一系列的血腥屠杀以试着取悦皇帝。