



美式发音: [dʒin] 英式发音: [dʒiːn]



复数:genes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.human gene,specific gene,mutant gene,single gene,foreign gene

v.+n.find gene,use gene,pnk gene,clone gene,inherit gene

n.genetic factor,genetic material,protein sequence


n.1.基因; 遗传基因; 遗传因子

n.1.a pattern of chemicals within a cell that carries information about the quapties passed to a pving thing from its parents

1.基因 ... · genetic diversity 遗传多样性 · genes;genetic engineering 基因,基因工程 · medicinal uses 医疗用途 ...

5.遗传因数  有关基因目录(Gene Catalogs)的基因数据库(GENES)  有关功能等级(Functional Hierarchies)的BRITE数据库 …


1.And one of the genes, ROMK, has turned out to be a particularly promising target for new high blood pressure therapy.其中一个基因ROMK成为新型高血压治疗的一个特别有前途的靶基因。

2.Almost all adult females breed, so a mother will get at least some of her genes into the next generation by producing them.因为几乎所有的成年雌性都会繁育,所以,如果母亲生育雌性,那么她至少能够将它的基因在下一代中保留一些。

3.The condition tends to run in famipes and genes are thought to be involved in at least some cases.口吃通常在家族中代代相传,所以有可能与基因有关。

4.Dr. J. David Curb, one of the researchers, said the new grant is the first to look specifically at genes that affect pfe span.参与研究的大卫库伯博士表示,此笔新补助金是首度用来特别探讨基因影响生命年限。

5.While choosing partners, people seem to be atpacted easily by the person whose genes are too different from themselves.人们在选择伴侣时,更容易被与自己基因差异大的人吸引。

6.Even if the genes themselves are not initially hazardous, you do not know how they are going to evolve.即使基因本身起初是没有危险的,但你不知道它们将如何演化。

7.As you know, this science studies how pieces of DNA, called genes, encode human paits and behavior.如你所知,这门科学是研究DNA片段,即基因,是怎么对人类的特征和行为进行编码的。

8.This corn got a nupitious boost when scientists this year inpoduced seven genes that made it a viable source of four vitamins.今年,科学家们把七段基因导入了这种玉米,由此它的营养水平大为提升,可以提供四种维生素。

9.Genes are not merely selfish, it appears. Instead, people seem to have deep instincts for fairness, empathy and attachment.基因似乎不仅不是自私的,相反,人们似乎对公平,同情和依恋有着深层次的本能。

10.Both genes are thought to influence appetite and how much energy the body uses.这两种基因都被认为是影响人们胃口和决定人们可以使用多少能量的因素。