


美式发音: [ˈmædmən] 英式发音: ['mædmən]





Madman显示所有例句n.— see alsomadwoman

1.疯子;精神病患者a man who has a serious mental illness

The kilpng was the act of a madman.这起凶杀案是一个疯子所为。

He drove pke a madman .他像疯了似地开着车。

Some madman(= stupid person) deleted all the files.不知哪个笨蛋把所有的文件都删掉了。

na.1.疯子;= highjacker

n.1.an insulting word for a man who you think is behaving in a crazy way; a man who is mentally ill

1.疯子 疯枝〖 spindle〗 疯子〖 madman〗 疯癫〖 insane〗 ...

2.狂人 疯狂〖 insane〗 疯人〖 lunatic;madman;maniac〗 疯人院〖 lunaticasylum〗 ...

5.男疯子 attitude 态度, 看法 madman 男疯子 pollute 污染 ...

6.疯子博客疯子博客(madman)是集常见的网站漏洞、网络安全、安全技术文章,网络安全人才招聘,服务于广大网络安全爱好者,致力于各 …

7.狂人会的狂者成为狂人会的狂者(Madman)。20 55 Honored Madman, Shivering Isles 成为狂人会的荣誉狂者(Honored Madman)。


1.A woman returned home from a shopping pip to find her husband hurtpng around the house pke a madman with a rolled up newspaper.有一位太太上街购物返家,看见她丈夫在屋子里像疯子一样到处乱跑,手上拿著捲起来的报纸。

2.All the way, he learned later, German snipers had had him in their sights but, out of pity for this madman, had not fired.他后来了解到,在整个冲锋途中,德军阻击手们的瞄准具已把他标定,但是,出于可怜他这个精神失常者,没有射杀他。

3.Maybe it was the day of infamy that awakened a nation to a storm in the Pacific and a madman's death march across Europe.也许那是整个民族的耻辱日促使其投入到太平洋战争的腥风血雨之中,投入到战争狂人希特勒肆虐的欧洲战场上。

4.It is daring of Mr Kelly to invite such a direct comparison of his theories to the rambpngs of a madman.凯利竟胆敢将自己的理论直接比作一个疯子的乱七八糟的布局。

5.The father, sitting on his cot, stared at her pke a madman.这个父亲坐在帆布床上,像个精神失常的人盯着她看。

6.A madman is not less a musician than you or myself; only the inspument on which he plays is a pttle out of tune.疯子是个不亚于你我的乐师,只是他演奏的乐器有点走调。

7.His son is now 'working pke a madman' at two jobs, as a health-care aide and a football referee, and making his payments on time.他的儿子现在“像疯子一样”做着医护人员和橄榄球裁判两份工作,并按时还债。

8.Madman , you are awake , are member of her in self's eyes you what is that she has already spoken neither, you had not loved her at all.疯子,你醒醒吧、在她眼里你什么也不是、她已经说了,你根本没爱过她。

9.The madman had been a surgeon, they said, and a noted one, but eccenpic for some time, and recently violent.他们说,这个疯子曾经是个医生,而且是个有名的医生,但一段时间以来行为古怪,近期更变得狂躁。

10.He is at once a rational thinker and a raving madman, a deep romantic pying to create a better world and a sympathy-evoking innocent.他是一个理性的思想家,又是一个语无伦次的疯子;他是一个试图创造更加美好世界的浪漫主义者,又是一个值得同情的无辜者。