




1.历峰集团历峰集团(Richemont)是瑞士奢侈品公司,它由南非亿万富翁安顿·鲁伯特(Anton Rupert)于1988年建立。公司涉及的四个商业 …

2.瑞士历峰集团瑞士历峰集团(richemont)是瑞士奢侈品公司,它由南非亿万富翁安顿·鲁伯特(anton rupert)[john rupert约翰·鲁伯特是他的儿 …

3.奢侈品集团历峰全球第二大奢侈品集团历峰(Richemont)前任总裁艾兰?多米尼克?佩兰(Alain Dominique Perrin)于三月七日来到沪上酒贝坊,带 …

4.瑞士奢侈品集团历峰他表示,由瑞士奢侈品集团历峰(Richemont)所有的万宝龙计划在现有的100家门店基础上,明年再增加5至10家门店,其中有一 …


1.Richemont, which owns Cartier, has also warned that the luxury market is in its worst state since the business was founded in the 1980s.拥有卡地亚的历峰集团也发布警告说,奢侈品市场所处的情况是历峰集团20世纪80年代成立以来最糟糕的。

2.Executives are now watching to see whether Richemont will allow Net-a-Porter to sell its many other brands, including Cartier watches.管理者们正在观望历峰集团是否允许Net-a-Porter销售其公司旗下的其他品牌,如卡地亚手表。

3.BAT is a "fine company" and "will maintain value, " Richemont Chairman Johann Rupert said on the call.历峰总裁约翰·鲁伯特在电话中说,英美烟草是一家“健康的公司”,将“会保值”。

4.While Richemont was intended to be an investment company, the luxury unit now is bigger than its holdings in the cigarette induspy.历峰意欲成为一家投资公司,目前这家奢侈品公司的规模比它持有卷烟业务的时候要大。

5.Richemont will buy a 60 per cent stake in the company from Carlos Dias, founder and managing director.历峰将从RogerDubuis创始人兼董事总经理卡洛斯-迪亚斯(CarlosDias)手中收购该公司60%的股份。

6.Johann Rupert, Richemont group executive chairman and chief executive, has warned that the past year's momentum might not be maintained.历峰执行主席兼首席执行官约翰•鲁珀特(JohannRupert)已发出警告,过去一年的增长势头或许无法继续下去。

7.Then Ferrari asked for help Itapan company Panerai, a member of the Richemont Luxury Group.后来,法拉利找到意大利公司沛纳海帮忙,它也是历峰奢侈品集团的一员。

8.In 1998, he sold the company to Richemont, the luxury goods group.1998年,他将上海滩卖给了奢侈品集团历峰(Richemont)。

9.Last week, Richemont's share price fell after net income "only" rose 80 per cent over the year.上周,历峰集团(Richemont)公布净收益“仅”较上年增长80%,其后股价应声下跌。

10.Richemont last month forecast significantly better first-half profits because of sharply higher sales in the first five months of the year.由于今年头5个月销售火爆,历峰10月份预测,公司上半年的利润将大幅飙升。