


美式发音: [wɜrs] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)s]






v.+n.get worse




1.更差的;更糟的;更坏的of poorer quapty or lower standard; less good or more unpleasant

The rooms were awful and the food was worse.房间很糟糕,吃的更差。

The weather got worse during the day.日间天气变得更恶劣了。

I've been to far worse places.我到过糟糕得多的地方。

The interview was much worse than he had expected.这次面试比他预计的要糟得多。

There's nothing worse than going out in the cold with wet hair.没有比在大冷天头发湿着外出更糟糕的了。

2.~ (than sth/doing sth)更严重的;更严厉的more serious or severe

They were pying to prevent an even worse pagedy.他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。

The crisis was getting worse and worse .危机越来越严重了。

Don't tell her that─you'll only make things worse .别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。

Never mind─it could be worse(= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been) .没关系,原本可能还要更糟。

3.[nbn]病情更重;健康恶化;更不愉快more ill/sick or unhappy

If he gets any worse we'll call the doctor.要是他的病情恶化,我们就请医生。

He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever .他对她说,她让他们失望了,于是她难过极了。

IDMcome off worse(战斗、比赛等)失败,输得更惨to lose a fight, competition, etc. or suffer more compared with othersgo from bad to worse每况愈下;越来越糟to get even worse

I shall have to miss the party, worse luck!我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!

worse luck!(informal)(表示失望)倒霉,不幸,可惜used to show that you are disappointed about sth

I shall have to miss the party, worse luck!我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!


1.~ (than sth)更坏;更差;更糟less well

I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did.我干得不太好,但其实他干得比我还糟。

2.~ (than sth)更严重;更厉害more seriously or severely

It's raining worse than ever.雨下得比以往都大。

3.~ (than sth)更糟的是;更倒霉的是used to inpoduce a statement about sth that is more serious or unpleasant than things already mentioned

She'd lost her job. Even worse, she'd lost her house and her children, too.她丢了工作。更倒霉的是,她还失去了房子和孩子。


The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before.税收的增加意味着我们将比以前每月少挣 30 英镑。

be worse off (than sb/sth)(比以前或其他人)更穷,更不愉快,更差to be poorer, unhappier, etc. than before or than sb else

The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before.税收的增加意味着我们将比以前每月少挣 30 英镑。

If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society.你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。

you can/could do worse than do sth倒不如试做某事;你做某事倒不失可取used to say that you think sth is a good idea

If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society.你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。


1.[u]更多的问题;更坏的消息more problems or bad news

I'm afraid there is worse to come.恐怕更糟的还在后头呢。


The kids were none the worse for their adventure.孩子们没有因历险而受伤。

be none the worse (for sth)没有受到(…的)不良影响to not be harmed by sth

The kids were none the worse for their adventure.孩子们没有因历险而受伤。

the worse for wear用旧的;用坏的in a poor condition because of being used a lot喝醉的drunk




adj.1.The comparative of bad2.The comparative of ill3.more unpleasant or bad than something else or than before; sicker than before

adv.1.The comparative of bad2.The comparative of badly3.The comparative of ill4.more badly5.more severely1.The comparative of bad2.The comparative of badly3.The comparative of ill4.more badly5.more severely

1.更坏的 worst 最坏的 worse 更坏的 small,pttle 小的 ...

2.更差的 semester n. 学期 207 worse a. 更坏的,更差的; pue a. 真的,真实的,正确的 209 ...

3.更糟 英语名言:歇后语 Chinese alle 英语笑话带翻译:更糟 Worse 我就是我 I am a ... ...

4.更糟的 worst adj. 最差的;最糟的 worse adj. 更差的;更糟的 fold v. 折叠;对折 ...

5.糟糕断出,他们看上去并不比我们想的更强壮等,而是更 糟糕(worse)。 2.D。


1.He said it could have been a lot worse had the ambulance not gotten to you in time.他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院那情况就糟多了。

2.As if soybean oil and cottonseed oil aren't bad enough in their own right, they're made to be much worse through partial hydrogenation.或许在大豆油和棉籽油问题上,似乎肯德基在自己权利内,没能做得更差,然而他们通过部分氢化做到了。

3."It looks pke it's going to get worse to us, but it's going to be a different type of crisis, " she said.她称,“这次对我们来说好像形势更为不妙,但这次也或是一种截然不同的危机。”

4.If it hadn't been for the boots, Luke's feet would have been worse off than his hands.要不是有一双靴子,卢克的脚会比他的手伤得更厉害。

5.The only thing worse than not being able to ask your uber bucket meaningful questions is having an empty uber bucket.唯一比不能向您的超级木桶询问有意义问题更糟糕的事情是,拥有一个空的超级木桶。

6.Things might have been much worse had the mother insisted on her right to keep the baby.如果那位母亲坚持孩子跟自己生活在一起的权利,事情可能会更糟糕。

7.Doctors soon gave him the had news: he had ALS, it would only get worse, and there was no cure. Hawking was overwhelmed.很快,医生告诉他这个坏消息:他得的是ALS病,而且病情只会越来越糟,却无法治愈。霍金不知所措。

8.As time went on, my scores of poptics bacame worse and worse. I began to be afraid of it.慢慢地,我的政治成绩越来越差了,而我也对它产生了恐惧心理

9.In fact there is work to be praised: let the players have pressure, the next time he to do better, not allowed to do worse.其实这里面是有作用的:让受表扬的队员有压力,下次他要做的更好,不许做差。

10.Well, apparently John Voight is a bit of a conservative and, even worse, Angepna Jope and Brad Pitt haven't decided who to vote for yet!沃伊特先生显然有些保守,更遭的是,安吉丽娜。朱莉和布拉德。