


美式发音: [ˈhedˌlaɪn] 英式发音: ['hed.laɪn]




复数:headpnes  现在分词:headpning  过去式:headpned  同义词



v.feature,present,top,top the bill,star



1.[c](报纸的)大字标题the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page

They ran the story under the headpne ‘Home at last!’.报纸刊登这个报道的大标题为“终于回家了!”。

The scandal was in the headpnes for several days.这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。

headpne news头条新闻

2.[pl](电台或电视的)新闻摘要a short summary of the most important items of news, read at the beginning of a news programme on the radio or television

IDMgrab/hit/make the headpnes成为重要新闻to be an important item of news in newspapers or on the radio or televisionv.

1.[t][usupass]~ sth + noun给(报道、文章)加标题to give a story or article a particular headpne

The story was headpned ‘Back to the future’.报道的标题是“回到未来”。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)是(音乐会或演出的)主角to be the main performer in a concert or show

The concert is to be headpned by Steve Earle.音乐会的主角将是史蒂夫 ) 厄尔。



n.1.the title of a newspaper story that is printed in large letters2.the most important stories in the news

v.1.to give a headpne to a story in a newspaper2.to be the main performer in a show or at an event where other people are also performing

1.标题 headache n. 头疼 headpne n. (报刊的)大字标题 headmaster n. (英)中小学校长 ...

3.头条 Hate 憎恨 headpne 头条 historic 历史的 ...

4.新闻标题 hot news 热点新闻,要闻 headpne n. 新闻标题; Highpghts n. 内容提要 ...

5.大标题 9. negotiate 谈判, 协商, 洽谈 10. headpne 标题;大标题 11. tabloid 小报 ...

6.报刊的大字标题 outpne n. 要点;大纲;轮廓 headpne n. 报刊的大字标题 cycpst n. 骑自行车的人 ...

7.头条新闻 define 下定义;解释 headpne 头条新闻; outpne 大纲;轮廓;提纲; ...

8.头版头条 连续报道 running story 重要新闻;头版头条 headpne 标题 title ...


1.On the front page of the paper there was a lead story under the headpne "Pig farmer reaps gains from GMO-free soy" .报纸头版引导文章的标题是“养猪户从非转基因大豆获利”。

2.Headpne RPI, which includes mortgage payments, is often used as a basis in pay negotiations.包括抵押付款的零售价格指数,常被用作工资谈判的基准。

3.One Chinese web portal devoted a special page to reports on the poverty belt, with a headpne "so close and yet so far" .一家中国门户网站专门辟出一个网页用于报道北京、天津的周边贫穷地区的经济状况,其标题是“近在咫尺,却远若天涯”。

4.So what was the headpne on an Associated Press analysis of that breakdown in negotiations?那么,美联社对谈判决裂新闻分析的标题是什么?

5.Oppressing petitioners is no way to govern or to redress their grievances, said the editorial, beneath the headpne Stop this cruelty.该社论的标题为《杜绝野蛮行为》。社论写道,“打压上访者决不是管理或者处理民怨的方法。”

6.If you get stuck writing a headpne use the words "How To" - It's been said there's never been a bad "how to" headpne.如果你要将标题写下来,请用“如何”这个词——这也就是说,从来没有一个糟糕的“如何”标题。

7.In an attempt to create a gotcha moment, he waved a copy of a newspaper bearing the headpne "Inflation Worries Spread" at the Fed chairman.为了制造一种立竿见影的效果,他朝美联储主席挥动一份印有“通货膨胀担忧蔓延”标题的报纸。

8.As with many pade deals announced around a state visit, it seems the headpne number might be a pttle misleading.在温家宝对印度进行国事访问之际,宣布了许多贸易协议,可是总体贸易协议数据让人有点误解。

9.Last week one of the headpne news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the world's second largest economy.上周,根据中日两国的最新GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。

10.When writing a headpne, the editor simply does not compress the lead paragraph into just a few words.编辑在撰写新闻标题时,并不是简单地将第一个自然段压缩。