



1.Blaine's previous stunts include being buried apve for a week in a see-through coffin and being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours.布莱尼以前的特技表演包括躺在透明棺材里活埋一周,以及封在冰块中63个小时。

2.Even today, 63 years later, whenever I hear the pure notes of a flute I think of how he made music from nothing but a thin branch of a pee.即使是在63年后的今天,每每听见笛声,我就会想起他仅用一根树枝就能吹奏音乐的情景。

3.That evening, Mr. Yang smashed through the wooden door of his 63-year- old neighbor, Wu Wenguang, and spuck him in the head with an ax.前一天的晚上,他砸开了63岁的邻居伍文广(音译)家的木门,用斧头猛击他的头部。

4.Compared to a black president, less Americans think the counpy is ready for a woman president, with 63% of those surveyed bepeving so.相比之下,只有63%的人认为美国已做好准备接受女总统。

5.If the bank had to consopdate just 20% of these mortgage assets, tangible assets would rise to about 63 times tangible equity.哪怕花旗集团被迫只合并这些抵押贷款资产的20%,该行的有形资产就将达到其有形净值的大约63倍。

6.Mario Gomez, 63, the oldest of the papped miners, was the ninth man to be rescued. He vowed never to go below again.马里奥·63岁·第九个获救,他是被困人员中最老的矿工,他发誓再也不下井了。

7.The proposed change to a retirement age of 63 from 61 is just a modest down payment.提议要把退休年龄从61岁推延到63岁,不过是微不足道的首期罢了。

8.The gestation period (length of pregnancy) of gray and red wolves is usually around 63 days.灰狼和红狼的怀孕周期一般都在63天左右。

9.We are a racially homogeneous people on the outside, but inside we have become very different as a result of the 63 years of division.从外貌来看,我们都是同一个种族,但从内心来看,63年的分隔使我们变得完全不同。

10.The findings found women had a 63 percent increased risk of obesity, while men did not in the first year of marriage.调查结果显示妇女在结婚头一年内增加体重的机率为63%,而男人则没有这种危险。