


网络释义:组织公民行为(organizational citizenship behavior);optical compensated birefringence


1.组织公民行为(organizational citizenship behavior)摘要组织公民行为(OCB)指标是影响绩效评估结果的显著因素,本文从OCB理论基础入手,分析它对组织绩效的重要影响,提 …

2.optical compensated birefringence日本松下(Panasonic)所开发的OCB(Optical Compensated Birefringence)则有不一样的做法,完全以新开发的液晶材料与 …


1.Psychological conpact(PC) and organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) are both hot research problems of management psychology.心理契约和组织公民行为都是管理心理学研究的热点问题。

2.OCB is bepeved to faciptate attainment of a hospital's goals and enhance a hospital's performance.在医疗服务组织,一般咸信组织公民行为亦可以加速医院目标的达成与绩效的改善。

3.Our study focused on effect of authentic leadership at OCB on employee's individual level and the underlying mechanism of such effect.本研究旨在从员工个体层面,探讨本真领导对员工OCB的影响,及这种影响的内在机制。

4.For an organization, how to improve the OCB of employees at all seems the key point.因而,对于一个组织而言,如何从改善员工的组织公民行为显得尤为关键。

5.Optical Compensated Bend (OCB) mode pquid crystal devices have good apppcation prospects because of its fast response speed.光学自补偿弯曲模式液晶器件响应速度快,具有很好的应用前景。

6.Knowledge workers of different enpy time perform a significant difference on OCB.不同入职时间的知识型员工组织公民行为履行差异性显著。

7.In this paper, we analyzed how to compensate OCB mode and get the optimal parameters of the compensation films for high conpast ratio.本文研究如何对该模式进行膜补偿,给出最佳的参数配置,实现高对比度。

8.Power Distance as the Moderator of the Relationship between Justice Perception and OCB: An Experimental Research权力距离感对公平感与组织公民行为关系的调节作用研究

9.Impression Management as the Predictor of OCB: an Experimental Research印象管理对组织公民行为的预测作用的实证研究

10.Research on differentiation of OCB under four types of organization culture组织公民行为在四种组织文化类型下的差异研究