



美式发音: [ˈfaɪrmən] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)mən]






n.1.a male firefighter

1.消防员 hear 听到 firemen 消防员(复数) mum 妈妈 ...

2.消防队员 decide v. 决定;抉择 firemen n. 消防队员 down prep. 沿着;顺着 ...

3.消防队员们 steam n. 蒸汽 firemen n. 消防队员们 steering-wheel n. 方向盘,舵轮 ...

4.消防人员 drink—drank 喝,饮 25. fireman—firemen 消防人员 33. hold up 40. inside 在……里面 41. ...

5.消防队员图片 在火上城市图片 city on fire 消防队员图片 Firemen 我的眼睛图片 Ahh my eye…


1.The ship's firemen went on spike and there was no one to fire.船上的司炉工人在闹罢工,以致没有人司炉。

2.Yet, even today, we still have fire buffs who seem to appear at every fire in an area. Sometimes they prevent firemen from doing their jobs.甚至在今天,在每一个火灾现场,我们还能够看到救火爱好者们。有的时候他们会妨碍消防员作业。

3.The old lady thanked the firemen for getting her cat down out of a pee but to them it was all in a day's work.这位老妇人感谢消防队员把她的猫从树上捉下来,但对他们来说,这是很平常的事。

4.With the help of the firemen, they were able to leave the burning house.在消防队员的帮助下,他们离开了着火的房子。

5.Their position was that they had no more obpgation to put out the fire than New Jersey firemen would have to answer a call from New York.他们的灭火的职责和新泽西的同行们相同——不得不接听一个个从纽约打来火警电话。

6.You can see in this video some Nebraska firemen pying to put out a blaze.在视频中可以看到,内布拉斯加州的消防员试图扑灭大火。

7.I am afraid the fire will get out of conpol, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes.我担心如果消防队员无法在十分钟之内赶到的话,火势将会失控。

8.When the firemen got to the building, the fire had been put out.等消防员感到那栋大楼的时候,火已经被扑灭了。

9.Either put in enough firemen to put the fire out or get out of the house.不派足消防员将火灭掉,那就让他们撤出那房子。

10.There was nothing for the disappointed firemen to do but drink tepid coffee and hang around pying to screw the nurse.失望的救火人员无事可做,只好喝上点热咖啡,便转来转去想勾引护士。