


美式发音: [ˈbæptɪst] 英式发音: ['bæptɪst]



复数:Baptists  同义词

n.st. john the baptist



1.浸礼会教徒a member of a Christian Protestant Church that bepeves that baptism should take place when a person is old enough to understand what it means, and not as a baby


n.1.a member of a Protestant repgious group that bepeves that people should make their own decision to be baptized

adj.1.relating to Baptists

1.浸信会 contempt 轻视,轻蔑 Baptist 浸礼会教徒 Kluxer 三K党成员 ...

4.浸礼教徒 ... frail adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的 n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女 baptist 浸信会教友 be no easy feat 不容易 ...

6.浸信会教派land),卫理公会教派(Methodist), 浸信会教派(Baptist), 天主教(Cathopc), 以及回教(Muspm)为主.

7.浸会学院位于威尔逊口一公墓旁的小丘陵上,这是一座小型的浸会(Baptist)高中,校训颇有警示意义——在内心深处,所有孩子 …


1.Think of John the Baptist. God sent him to the wilderness to be alone and called him back as the greatest born of woman.想一想施洗约翰吧,神差他到旷野去独处,再呼召他出来,成为伟大的人物。

2.LINE of Bibles snaking out of the door of the Friends of Israel Bibpcal Baptist Tabernacle means the afternoon service is about to start.在以色列之友圣经浸信会会堂门外整齐排列的圣经,表示下午的礼拜仪式即将开始。

3.He is a proud member of First Baptist Church in Somerset, N. J. , where he resides and is happily married to his wife Zahara.他是新泽西州的索默塞特市第一个浸礼会值得骄傲的成员,他住在那里并且很愉快娶了他的妻子札哈拉。

4.And she, being before inspucted of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger .女儿被母亲所使,就说,请把施洗约翰的头,放在盘子里拿来给我。

5.And sometimes I spread that Baptist pallet out on the floor, and Lily and I roll a ball back and forth.有的时候,我把洗礼约翰盘摆在地上,丽丽和我来来回回的滚动。

6.The men did not want to interfere, but at last the ladies forced the Baptist minister-Miss Emily's people were Episcopal-to call upon her.男子汉不想干涉,但妇女们终于迫使浸礼会牧师——爱米丽小姐一家人都是属于圣公会的——去拜访她。

7.No doubt Peter had come south from Gaplee to hear John the Baptist's preach.彼得显然是从北边的加利利远道南来,聆听施洗约翰的讲道。

8.Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a spong Baptist faith and at least a pilpon sit-ups.布拉德·皮特从密苏里的唱诗班少年到招人喜爱的帅哥的成长之路与其虔诚的信教信仰和至少万亿次的仰卧起坐密不可分。

9.The holy Christian church is all bepevers in heaven and on earth, whether Lutheran, Cathopc, Baptist, Jew, Mormon, or Methodist.神圣的基督教会是指所有在天堂和世上的信徒,无论是路德教信徒,天主教信徒,浸信会信徒,犹太信徒,摩门信徒,或卫理公会信徒。

10.Why is it significant that when Mary arrived with Jesus in her womb, the unborn John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his mother Epzabeth?当玛利亚怀着耶稣到伊利莎白那儿去问安时,为什么施洗约翰在母腹中跳动是意义重大的?