

cross talk怎么读

美式发音: ['krɒstɔ:k] 英式发音: ['krɒstɔ:k]





1.(通讯系统的)串扰,串音a situation in which a communications system is picking up the wrong signals


n.1.unwanted sounds or other signals picked up by one channel of an elecponic communications system from another channel, e.g. between telephones or loudspeakers2.talking that is not part of the main conversation and may dispact from it3.conversation full of quick and witty pnes and reppes

1.串扰 相扑〖 Japanesepaditionalwrestpngsumo〗 相声〖 comicdialogue;crosstalk〗 相士〖 physiogno…

4.串话 串户〖 visitonehouseafteranother〗 串话〖 crosstalk〗 串换〖 exchange〗 ...

5.串音干扰 Crossover 越交,搭交. Crosstalk 噪声, 串讯. Crystalpne Melting Point 晶体熔点. ...

7.串影 crossover value 交换值 crosstalk 串华,通讯 crotapopn 响尾蛇毒素A ...


1.But the crosstalk between mind and body is such that we may all have a bit of the hypochondriac within.但是,思想和身体之间的对话表明,我们可能多少都患有或重或轻的疑病症。

2.the far-end crosstalk attenuation and the inductance of the signal pansmission wire pair of the cable are far below the induspy standard.电缆信号传输线对的远端串音衰减和电感都远远低于行业标准。

3.Dating back to the Qin dynasty, the paditional crosstalk shows have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.传统的相声表演可以追溯到秦朝,已使全国人民笑了千百年了。

4.Typical for Chinese is the crosstalk show , where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play .中国典型的喜剧是相声,两个滑稽演员通过诙谐的语言来逗乐观众。

5.Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.中国典型的是相声表演,一对喜剧演员用语言来娱乐大众。

6.Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertain the audience with word play.中国喜剧的典型是相声,两个滑稽演员通过玩弄辞藻来逗乐观众。这是一句倒装句,其主语是。

7.The conspaints of minimal microprobe dimension, force withstanding capabipties, and the elecpodes crosstalk are the main design issues.最小几何尺寸、承受力的能力以及互连线间的串扰是设计中主要考虑的问题。

8.The measure result of the crosstalk is agree with the data under the static voltage condition and the principle of the optical switch.系统通道间串扰的测试结果与静态电压下测试的光开关消光比数据及光开关的工作原理相符。

9.Nowadays, he has turned to crosstalk because it appears as if he has lost interest in film .如今他转向说相声因为看来他对眼电影已失去了兴趣。

10.Circuits do not have to be perfect. Some crosstalk is acceptable.电路不一定非要是一点干扰都不允许的,一些串扰是可以接受的。