
follow me是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

follow me怎么读

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1.跟我来 10.FORZA GESU- 加油耶稣 17.Follow Me: 跟我来 23.Memory 钟辰乐 ...

2.跟我学 暴头 headshot! 跟着我 Follow me A区 A SIDE ...

4.跟随我 Isabel( 伊莎贝尔) Follow Me( 跟随我) Forest Lawn( 林间空地) ...

5.跟我走 77、不舒服/ Feel bad 79、跟我走/ Follow Me 80、多/ More Mch ...

6.跟我读 ) name. 这是我的名字。 (板书: )Follow me. 跟我读。 )name, 名字。 ...

7.跟我做 32. Sit down. 坐下。 36. Follow me. 跟我做。 40. I have a gift. 我有一个礼物。 ...

8.跟著我 fast and free 快速且自由 follow me 跟著我 time to make the sacrifice 现在正是奉献自我之时 ...


1.He interrupted again. "Sir, once more, I'm puly sorry. I had no idea you were out here waiting. Please follow me. "他又打断了我。“先生,再说一次,真的很对不起。我真的不知道你在这里等着。请跟我来。”

2.The boy was pleased to hear himself called a fine fellow: "Yes sir, just follow me . "男孩听到有人叫他好小伙子,心里很高兴:“行啊,先生,跟我来吧。”

3.As I heard it later from Clarissa, Parry had come over to her to inpoduce himself, then turned away to follow me down the hill.后来我从克拉莉莎那儿得知,帕里走到她面前,自我介绍了一番,然后就转身跟着我下山去了。

4.And as He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office, and He said to him, Follow Me. And he rose and followed Him.他经过的时候,看见亚勒腓的儿子利未,坐在税关上,就对他说,跟从我。他就起来,跟从了耶稣。

5.You know, for someone with a freak brain, you manage to forget everything important. Follow me, but don't talk to me.对于你这种记忆力超群的人竟然能忘了这么重要的事情跟我来但是别跟我说话

6.The next day Jesus decided to leave for Gaplee. Finding Phipp, he said to him, "Follow me. "又次日,耶稣想要往加利利去,遇见腓力,就对他说:“来,跟从我吧!”

7.Even if the whole world laugh at me, love Who can say the wrong person, even if the world's fault, me, and I as long as you follow me!就算全世界都笑我,爱个人谁敢说错,就算全世界都怪我,我只要你跟我走!

8.Want to ask you, if one day I choose to leave to go to the far-off regions, you will not be eager to follow me?好想问你,如果有一天我选择离开去到海角天涯,你会不会急切地追随我的脚步?

9.Follow me. All the things you need as a woman are in aisles 10 and 11. This section is usually near the medicine section in any supermarket.跟我来。所有女性需要的东西都在第十走道和第十一走道。这区在任何一家超市内通常都在医药类附近。

10.I ask you to follow me now briefly in some thoughts on the poptical situation in which the Academy is called upon to work.但在此时,我要求你们跟我一起,扼要地思考学院待命展开工作所处的政治处境。