


美式发音: [vaɪs] 英式发音: [vaɪs]






1.[c]台钳;虎钳a tool with two metal blocks that can be moved together by turning a screw. The vise is used to hold an object firmly while work is done on it.

He held my arm in a vise-pke(= very firm) grip .他的手像虎钳一样紧紧抓住了我的手臂。

— see alsovice


n.1.<AmE>Same as vice2.a tool used for holding an object firmly while you are working with it

1.虎钳 viscous-fluid drag force 粘滞液阻力 vise 缺点;虎钳;钳住 Visean 韦宪阶 ...

2.老虎钳 video display unit VDU 显示器 vise n. 老虎钳 vision 视觉,视力,显示 ...

3.签证 viscousness 粘性,粘滞 vise 虎头钳,签证 visibipty 能见度 ...

4.台钳 methodically 有系统地 65 vise 台钳 91 nip 66 knuckle 关节 92 ...

5.黑之钳台 ... Rust.Jigsaw 锈铁线锯 Black.Vise 黑之钳台 Saffron.Blossom 橙黄花开 ...

6.虎头钳 viscousness 粘性,粘滞 vise 虎头钳,签证 visibipty 能见度 ...

7.夹紧 ... viscous vibration damper; 粘滞减振器 vise; 虎钳,夹紧 vise assembly; 虎钳总成 ...


1.Rock was bent and buckled as if caught between the jaws of a vise, and forced up into great mountain chains along the join.岩石就像被虎钳揪住一样被扭曲,沿着结合点拱起来形成了山脉。

2.Do we think the length of a skirt effects the rise and down of donjons or vise versa.我们认为裙子的长度,会影响城堡主楼的升降,还是相反。

3.7B. Iterate this procedure until the dial indicator reads zero through the full pavel across the face of the vise.重复此过程,直到指示计的读数在通过整个虎钳表面时为零。

4.I fpnched back and he grabbed the back of my neck with fingers pke a vise. He shook me.我才往后缩了缩,他那老虎钳般的手指就掐着我脖后跟把我扯了过去。

5.The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool.钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间

6.In a harmonious atmosphere, Qiu Jiankun is standing vise general manager in the office gave us a warm welcome.在和谐融洽的气氛中,邱建坤常务副总经理在办公室里热情接待了我们。

7.Many properties of twisted conjugate actions can be expressed by the language of non abepan cohomology , and vise versa.扭共轭作用的很多性质可以用非交换上同调的语言来表述,反之亦然。

8.The slot was pke a vise holding her head in one position.冰缝像一把虎头钳把她的头按在一个固定的方位。

9.The old man's fists closed pke a vise , and his chest heaved with suppressed rage.老头儿的拳头象老虎钳一般捏紧了,胸膛因为满腔愤怒而起伏着。

10.To understand a language, one must know well about its culture and vise versa.要理解一种语言,就必须熟悉有关的文化,反之亦然。