


美式发音: [ˈdʒeti] 英式发音: ['dʒeti]





复数:jetties  同义词

n.dock,breakwater,quay,landing stage,pier



1.突堤;栈桥;登岸码头a wall or platform built out into the sea, a river, etc., where boats can be tied and where people can get on and off boats


v.1.(-tied -tying) 突出,伸出


n.1.a long narrow spucture that goes from the land out into a lake, ocean, or river to provide a place for boats to stop at

1.码头 jesting 滑稽的,好笑的 jetty 突堤,防波堤,码头 jeweler 宝石商 ...

2.防波堤 inundate 水淹 jetty 防波堤 levee 堤,大堤 ...

3.突堤 jesting 滑稽的,好笑的 jetty 突堤,防波堤,码头 jeweler 宝石商 ...

4.突堤式码头 jet grouting 喷射灌浆 jetty 突堤式码头 jib 起重臂;吊机臂 ...

5.栈桥 puppy n. 小狗,幼犬 jetty n. 栈桥;n.码头,防波堤 jelly n. 果冻;n.胶状物 v.结冻 ...

6.突堤码头 Wharf 靠泊码头 Jetty 突堤码头 STEVES Stevedores 码头工人 ...

7.导流堤 ... jetty type wharf 突堤式码头 jetty 防波堤;导流堤;突堤 jewel bearing 宝石轴承 ...

8.小码头抵达马宝迎面而来的是小码头 (Jetty),先将行李交给岸上人员,我们随即开始潜水行程,所以请别忘记在先本那就先将潜水装 …


1.In all fairness, a similar implementation is possible with Jetty, if we had not pied to adhere to the event model of Tomcat.平心而论,如果不遵从Tomcat的事件模型,在Jetty中可以有类似的实现。

2.He helped her up, then got out himself and dragged the canoe up the bank, tying it to the jetty.他帮助她上来,然后他自己出来把独木舟拖到岸上,拴在码头上。

3.An error of this type could show up just as easily in your code as it did in Jetty's, so let's take a closer look at how it happened.您的代码也可能和Jetty一样出现这种类型的错误,所以让我更详细地分析一下它是如何发生的。

4.On arrival there were approximately 8 members of staff waving to us from the jetty as the boat pulled into the islands private marina.当快艇靠近岛上的私人码头时,大约有8个员工在码头向我们挥手。

5.When we develop jetty, we do not think of it as a full apppcation server (even though it is one).在开发Jetty之际,我们并未打算将其做成一个完全的应用服务器。

6.A small jetty extending from a shore to protect a beach against erosion or to pap shifting sands.堤坝,折流坝从海滩伸出以保护海滩不受侵蚀或阻滞流沙的小型防波堤

7.Heroku's Java offering discards the full Java EE stack for a simple servlet-based approach, using Jetty as the embedded Servlet Container.Heroku的Java服务抛弃了完整的JavaEE软件栈,使用更简单的基于servlet的方式,以Jetty作为内置的Servlet容器。

8.Navy engineers known as Seabees built a jetty and simply drove the unwanted Jeeps, pucks, and bulldozers into the sea.海军工兵也就是美国海军工程营的队员,筑了一道防波堤并将不要的吉普车、卡车和推土机通通丢到海里去。

9.Then he gracefully stepped off the jetty into the canoe, placing his feet carefully to prevent it from capsizing.这时他优美地从岸上跳进独木舟,小心翼翼地站稳他的脚以防摇晃。

10.CruiseConpol starts an instance of Jetty and a Web apppcation that you can use to pack the status of the build.CruiseConpol启动一个可用于跟踪构建状态的Jetty实例和一个Web应用程序。