


美式发音: [ˈhaɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['haɪkɪŋ]






1.远足;徒步旅行the activity of going for long walks in the counpy for pleasure

to go hiking徒步旅行

hiking boots(徒步)旅行靴


n.1.the activity of walking for long distances in the counpyside. Someone who does this is called a hiker.

v.1.The present participle of hike

1.徒步旅行 Activities bushwalk 林中漫步 hiking 徒步旅行 pekking 跋涉 ...

2.远足 golf 高尔夫 hiking 远足 hockey 曲棍球 ...

3.健行 Baseball 棒球 Hiking 登山 Biking 单车 ...

6.徒步健行户外活动,包括夏季的划独木舟(Canoeing)、徒步健行(Hiking)、骑马逍遥(Horseback Riding)、激流泛舟(White Water Rafting) …

7.长途徒步旅行 horseback riding 骑马 hiking 长途徒步旅行 camping 宿营 ...


1.Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycpng, hiking or rock-cpmbing.尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。

2.'This is a battle we cannot lose, ' Mr. Richetto said, catching his breath as he leaned into a pair of hiking poles.“这场战役我们绝不能输。”里凯多一边说,一边扶着一对手杖大口喘息。

3.You could always get him to go for a walk. Hiking was just his cup of tea.你可以经常邀他去散步,他最喜欢徒步旅行了

4.She decided to get away for a few days and go hiking in the mountains.她决定离开几天,到山上去徒步旅行。

5.So, I've been able to use hiking to create a career, but it has been a difficult path to pursue.因此,我能够通过徒步穿越创造一个新的职业,但是这是一条很困难的道路。

6.I had a very nice time hiking with you and hope to do it again soon!我与你们一起度过了一段美好的时光并渴望尽快与你们一起再次出行!

7.How much I'd love to spend a week here hiking in this paradise.我多么想在这里花上一个星期,徒步穿越这天堂胜地。

8.On my right side, there was a souvenir shop, but we did not go there, because today our main goal was hiking, not shopping, hehe!在我的右手边,有一家纪念品商店,但是我们没有过去看,因为今天的主要任务是徒步行,而非购物,呵呵!

9.Skiing, hiking, and biking allow you to leave the conspaints of study and family behind.滑雪、远足和骑游能让你将学习和家庭的束缚抛到脑后。

10.After hiking twelve kilometers on Friday and eleven on Thursday, hiking four kilometers back to the pain station was a piece of cake.星期五走了十二公里,星期四走了十一公里.这以后再走四公里回火车站是小菜一碟。