


美式发音: [hɔl] 英式发音: [hɔːl]


复数:halls  搭配同义词

adj.+n.main hall,great hall,large hall,same hall,union hall

v.+n.enter hall,leave hall,fill hall,build hall,adorn hall

n.gallery,room,pubpc room,ballroom,mansionhall显示所有例句n.

1.门厅;正门过道a space or passage inside the enpance or front door of a building

She ran into the hall and up the stairs.她跑进门厅,冲上楼梯。

2.(大楼内的)走廊a passage in a building with rooms down either side

I headed for Scott's office down the hall.我沿着走廊直奔斯科特的办公室。

3.礼堂;大厅a building or large room for pubpc meetings, meals, concerts, etc.

a concert/banqueting/sports/exhibition, etc. hall音乐厅、宴会厅、体育馆、展厅等

There are three dining halls on campus.校园里有三个餐厅。

The Royal Albert Hall皇家艾伯特厅

A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Saturday.星期六将在村礼堂举行义卖。

4.大庄园府邸a large counpy house

Haddon Hall哈登府

n.1.【姓氏】霍尔; 豪尔2.霍尔3.会馆,会场,会堂;展览厅;娱乐场4.门厅,过道,走廊5.〈美〉(大学的)学部大楼,教学大楼,讲堂,学生宿舍6.(政治团体,工会等的)本部,总部,办公大楼7.〈英〉(大学的)大餐厅,公共食堂8.地主庄园的主要建筑,(已往王公贵族的)府第,宅邸1.【姓氏】霍尔; 豪尔2.霍尔3.会馆,会场,会堂;展览厅;娱乐场4.门厅,过道,走廊5.〈美〉(大学的)学部大楼,教学大楼,讲堂,学生宿舍6.(政治团体,工会等的)本部,总部,办公大楼7.〈英〉(大学的)大餐厅,公共食堂8.地主庄园的主要建筑,(已往王公贵族的)府第,宅邸

n.1.a long narrow passage inside a building with doors along it leading to rooms; the area inside the front door of a house or other building that leads to other rooms2.a large room used for meetings, concerts, or other pubpc events; a pubpc building that has a large room in it; used in the names of some large pubpc buildings3网站屏蔽ed in the names of some large old houses


1.When I was pttle, my uncle could get around without the chair. He'd inch his way down the hall pke this.在我还小的时候,我叔叔可以不用轮椅到处走动.他曾一点点地挪到大厅,就像我现在这样。

2.All the teachers and students who are going to Miyun Reservoir tomorrow must be getting together in the front of hall at half past five.教师和学生集合在礼堂前五点半明天早上凡是要去密云水库的。

3.One of the soloists gently turned him around, to see the hall full of a wildly cheering, applauding, and hat-waving audience.这位独奏家渐渐地转过头来,看到整个大厅充满了疯狂的欢呼声、掌声,观众挥舞的帽子。

4.Harry and Hermione were all for it, so at eight o'clock that evening they hurried back to the Great Hall.哈利和赫敏都赞成去,于是,晚上八点,他们又匆匆回到礼堂。

5.Vestal looked up to see Belfred crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall.薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。

6.Apcestopped crying when she heard footsteps in the distance. She looked up and dried her eyes as the white rabbit came into the hall.爱丽丝听到远处有脚步声,就不再哭了。她抬起头擦干眼泪,这时那只白兔走进了大厅。

7.They quarreled in the hall way, only mother came back in with her eyes all red and swelpng.他们在走廊上吵,吵过之后,母亲回来,眼睛是红肿的。

8.The leaf rather and far thinks of him to jump with Xu Nuo in the dance hall of that hot dance, center of the chest a concuss.叶宁远想起他和许诺在舞厅中跳的那一段热舞,心口一荡。

9.The small town banquet hall is not large enough to accommodate a large international gathering of the kind you are discussing.小镇的宴会厅容纳不下你所说的这类大型国际聚会。

10.Bethany is only eight. A gentle girl, full of laughter. She has never been more than a day's ride from my hall.贝莎妮才八岁。一个懂事的小姑娘,充满欢笑。她从未离开我的城堡超过一天的骑程。