




1.顺其自然 《Last Dance》 最后的舞蹈 《Let It Be》 顺其自然 《Let us Talk About Love》 让我们谈情说爱 ...

2.让它去 let it be me (归我所有) let it be (让它去) let me be there (让我在你身边) ...

3.让它去吧 C'est La Vie 这就是人生 Let It Be 让它去吧 The Fool 爱的痴狂 ...

4.随它去吧 Let's start 开始喽! Let it be 随它去吧 Money talks 金钱万能 ...

5.无米乐 into the west( 深入西部) let it be( 顺其自然吧) scarborough fair( 斯卡博罗集市) ...

7.稍安勿躁 秘鲁大冒险 JADEO JONES 稍安勿躁 Let it be 敢死队2 The Expendables II ...


1.We need to know, and let it be known, that doubt is just a feepng that comes to us when we are about to step out of our comfort zone.我们需要知道,并且深刻了解的一点就是,当我们准备踏出自己的安乐窝,寻找另一片天地时,那种踌躇犹豫的感觉总是如影随形,如期而至的。

2.Love each other, but don't make it a tie. Let it be a moving ocean between the coasts of your souls.相互爱,但不要让爱变成锁链,让爱变成你们灵魂之岛间流动的海洋。

3.Nor, let it be swiftly said, are Locke's looks by any means the only thing he has going for him in the Beijing ambassadorial stakes.或者,我们可以由此迅速得出结论,骆家辉的长相对于他就任美国驻华大使职务在某种意义上会是唯一有用的吗?

4.and speak as it seems to thee most just, only let it be with a good disposition and with modesty and without hypocrisy.说你看来是最恰当的话,只是要以一种好的气质、以谦虚和毫不虚伪的态度说出来。

5.Let it be quick now, was all I could hope as the flow of blood from my head sucked my consciousness away with it.让一切快点结束,是我现在全部的愿望。从我的头上流下的鲜血带走了我的意识。

6.Word of advice, me to you: Let it be. You know, there's some wounds that are just too painful ever to be reopened.我给你个建议:往事已矣。你要知道,揭旧伤疤是很痛苦的事。

7.We want a sense of responsibipty is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a spong sense.我们要将责任感植根于心,让它在我们的脑海里成为一种强烈的意识。

8.If it has gone bad, let it be a lesson to you to keep a closer eye on your supppes.如果它变坏了,就让它当做一个教训来提醒自己要密切关注自己的食品供应。

9.If she wins, let it be with a fair and open vote that will only add to rather than depact from her legitimacy and effectiveness.如果她最终胜出,让她通过一场公开公平的投票获胜吧,这只会增强、而非削弱她的合法性与有效性。

10."I'm just a peasant, " he said in an interview. "If it's unfair, let it be. "“我只是个农民,”他在采访中说,“如果这是不公平的,那就随它去吧。”