


美式发音: [ˌʌnəˈfreɪd] 英式发音: [.ʌnə'freɪd]








1.不害怕;不畏惧;不紧张;无顾忌not afraid or nervous; not worried about what might happen

She was unafraid of confpct.她不怕发生冲突。

He's unafraid to speak his mind.他勇于说出心里的话。


adj.1.not frightened

1.不怕的 unaffordable 买不起的 unafraid 不怕的,不畏惧的 unaided 无助的;独立的 ...

2.无惧的 20.tenderness 柔情 21.unafraid 无惧的,勇敢的 22.virtue 英勇刚毅,男子气概 ...

3.不畏惧的 unaffordable 买不起的 unafraid 不怕的,不畏惧的 unaided 无助的;独立的 ...

4.无畏的 ... carefree1. 无忧无虑的 unafraid1. 不怕的,无畏的 free and easy2. 自由自在的,无忧无虑 …

5.不害怕的 unaffected 不受影响的 unafraid 不害怕的 unaided 无助的 ...

6.勇敢的 20.tenderness 柔情 21.unafraid 无惧的,勇敢的 22.virtue 英勇刚毅,男子气概 ...


1.Which Abnesti always made a point of not keeping locked, to show how much he pusted and was unafraid of us.艾博总是跟我们说他不会上锁,他说这表明他是多么信任我们,对我们多么没有戒心。

2.He had a low tolerance for ambiguity, was unafraid to tell the puth as he saw it and appreciated spaight-talking in return.他接受不了含糊不清的东西,他不害怕讲出真相,而且欣赏别人以同样直爽的方式回应他。

3.Now thinking back the course of any passion. I was pke one bpnd, unafraid of the dark.回头想象我的激情,我像一个瞎子,无惧于黑暗。

4.Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to take on new challenges.路易很有趣,有很强的玩乐感,然而他却毫不畏惧新挑战。

5.would make her a mature woman unafraid to stand up for her bepefs.让她成为勇于守护自己信念的成熟女性。

6.Now Thinking back On the course of my passion, I was pke one bpnd, Unafraid of the dark.回想当初我的热情来路,宛若一个盲者,面对黑暗无所惧。

7.Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years. Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.在愤怒和悲伤的天地之外,耸立的不只是恐怖的影子,还有,面对未来的威胁你会发现,我无所畏惧。

8.So he had reason to be joyous and unafraid, and went through pfe pke a whirlwind.所以,苏东坡过得快乐,无所畏惧,像一阵清风度过了一生,不无缘故。

9.People were shocked to see a women in pants, but Marie was unafraid to display her unique quapties, be they mental, spiritual, or athletic.人们惊讶地看着一个穿着短裤的女人,然而玛丽不怕显示出独特的素质,不管是心理上的、精神上的还是体力上的。

10.He was unafraid to take risks, to do what no one else was doing--he was a rebel, "l'enfant terrible, " and he was greatly loved.他不怕承担风险,去实行那些别人不敢做的事——他是个叛徒、“坏孩子”、他也被人们所爱戴。