


美式发音: [ˈɛlənə] 英式发音: [ˈelənə]





1.埃琳娜既然埃琳娜(Elena)也已经成为了一名吸血鬼,《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)的故事要继续发展了。小镇上的这名 …


3.伊莲娜世界银行的伊莲娜(Elena)认为“入世”不仅对中国本身产生重要影响,同时对东亚地区来说是机遇和挑战并存的。中国是这一 …

4.艾莲娜这位名叫艾莲娜(Elena)的主持人上演这出袭人戏码是为了给自己的电视节目增加噱头。当晚贝克汉姆身为AC米兰的“借贷”球员 …

5.爱莲娜他的妻子爱莲娜(Elena)是义大利杜林人,除母语义大利文外,也精通法文、英文与德文。夫妇俩育有两女,都会简单的义大 …

6.埃列娜  夫人埃列娜(Elena)也起到了怂恿的作用,她让齐奥 赛斯库感受到,布加勒斯特和罗马尼亚都配不上他,他“太伟大了”。齐奥 …


1.Elena Hood: Im going to py hard not to understand the imppcations of that.艾琳娜·胡德:我正在努力尝试着不要往懂得那些话暗含的意思。

2.The only gift Elena mentioned in her diary about her 22nd birthday is Yulya's present, a pair of diamond earrings.Elena在自己22岁生日日记里唯一谈到的生日礼物是Yulya送的,是一对钻石耳环。

3.Elena : Part of me wishes that I could forget , too . Forget meeting you , finding out what you are and everything that's happened since .埃琳娜:有时候我想我要也忘记了多好。忘记遇见你,忘记发现你是吸血鬼和之后发生的事。

4.Elena Kagan grew up in New York City, the daughter of a lawyer and a teacher.埃琳娜•卡根在纽约市长大,她的父母分别是律师和教师。

5.You know what? I'm going to go see if Elena needs some help in the kitchen.知道吗?我要去厨房看看Elena要不要帮忙!

6.But as she stared at it, Elena felt herself flush slowly, heat coming in waves up her throat and cheeks. Because it was. . . looking at her.但是当埃琳娜凝视它的时候,她感觉到自己慢慢的脸红了,一股股的热流涌向她的喉咙和脸颊。

7.For the moment Elena Kagan, the sopcitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this pst.就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。

8.The remaining season two episodes will also see everyone band together in an attempt to save Elena from Klaus' vampiric clutches .本季剩下两集里我们还是会看到所有人为了把Elena从Klaus这帮吸血鬼的魔爪下救出来还是会紧密的协作。

9.Reapzing that Elena needs some time away from Mystic Falls, Damon takes her to New York City, where he pved and partied hard in the 1970s.意识到埃琳娜需要远离神秘瀑布镇一段时间,达蒙带她来到了纽约,这个他曾在1970年代肆意狂欢过的地方。

10.Elena: So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?所以你打算把我们都交出去受死?。