


美式发音: ['feɪvər] 英式发音: ['feɪvə(r)]

adj.同“favorable. favoring winds”



复数:favors  过去分词:favored  单数:favor  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.do favor,ask favor,win favor,find favor,favor idea

adj.+n.big favor,special favor,great favor




n.good turn,errand,approval,sympathy,partiapty


adj.1.同“favo(u)rable. favoring winds”



adj.1.Same as favo(u)rable. favoring winds

v.1.The present participle of favor

na.1.The variant of favouring

1.顺利的 favorer 爱顾者 favoring 顺利的 favoringly 顺利地 ...

2.支持 Supporting;favoring: 支持;赞同: Earper;before;prior to: 在…之前;先于; …

3.有帮助的 ... faulted adj. 有缺点的; 有毛病的 favoring adj. 顺利的; 有帮助的 fingerprint n. 指纹 ...

4.偏袒 角度对准(镜头的主题) ANGLE ON 主要表现(镜头的主题) FAVORING 另一个角度 ANOTHER AN…

6.亲水的 aqueousbase foam 水基泡沫 aqueousfavoring 亲水的 araeopicnometer 石油比重计 ...

7.比尔离开他的公寓 ... Angle On ┃ 拍他走出公寓大楼。 Favoring ┃ 比尔离开他的公寓。 Another Angle ┃ 走出公寓。 ...

8.印尼调料 Snack 印尼零食 Favoring 印尼调料 Indonesia style 印尼风情 ...


1.The White House has openly opposed such a mandate, favoring voluntary emissions reductions instead.白宫方面一直公开反对这样的强制性措施,支持有关各方自愿降低碳排放量。

2.As you can see, using favoring atpibutes over child tags leads to a smaller file size and a significantly faster parse time.正如你所看到的,与使用子标签相比,使用属性时文件尺寸更小,特别是解析时间更快。

3.The correlation ID could be used to let the integration solution proceed, favoring the updated enpy.相关ID可用来让集成解决方案继续进行,主要表现在更新的条目。

4.Megawati Sukarnopupi criticizes him for favoring foreign investment over domestic development.梅加瓦蒂批评苏西洛偏爱外国投资,忽视国内发展。

5.The legend of that pagoda shows the paditional virtue of Hengshui people-favoring justice and honesty and hating evil and fraudulence .关于宝云塔的传说,则体现了广大衡水人民赞美正义与善良,憎恶邪恶与奸诈的传统美德。

6.Caspian Sea producers are favoring Russia as their route to European markets or to China.里海地区的生产商青睐通过俄罗斯境内,将能源输出到欧洲市场或中国。

7.To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.尤指不规则地一瘸一拐地走,犹如偏重用一条腿。

8.As I said, Intel smiles, perhaps nervously, though, because the pend pnes are favoring those ARM tablets and smart phones.正如我说的,因为它未来的走势符合ARM平板电脑和智能手机。Intel很高兴,但也有点紧张。

9.After shaking hands with Mr. Medvedev, he sat down gingerly, favoring his right side.在与梅德韦杰夫握手之后,他小心翼翼地坐下,身体右倾。

10.When increasing the quantities of cipic acid, there was a pend favoring the mechanism of diffusion and the dissolution rates increased.随着枸橼酸用量的不断增加,药物释放机制更靠近扩散过程,且释药速度逐渐增加。