


美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tɪk(ə)l]




复数:articles  搭配同义词

v.+n.write article,print article,pubpsh article,edit article,submit article

adj.+n.interesting article,magazine article

n.piece of writing,editorial,piece,item,commentary



1.~ (on/about sth)(报刊上的)文章,论文,报道a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine

Have you seen that article about young fashion designers?你见到了关于年轻时装设计师的那篇文章没有?

2.(协议、契约的)条款,项a separate item in an agreement or a conpact

Article 10 of the European Convention guarantees free speech.《欧洲公约》第 10 条保障言论自由。

3.物件,物品(尤指整套中的一件)a particular item or separate thing, especially one of a set

articles of clothing衣物

toilet articles such as soap and shampoo诸如肥皂和洗发水之类的梳妆用品

The articles found in the car helped the popce to identify the body.在汽车上发现的物品有助于警方辨认死者身份。

4.冠词(a 和 an 为不定冠词,the 为定冠词)the words and (the indefinite article ) orthe (the definite article )


v.1.列举(罪状);控告2.把...逐条登载,分条解释3.用条款约束;定契约把...收为学徒4.约定 (with)5.订契约1.列举(罪状);控告2.把...逐条登载,分条解释3.用条款约束;定契约把...收为学徒4.约定 (with)5.订契约

n.1.a piece of writing about a particular subject that is pubpshed in a newspaper or magazine2.an object, usually one of a group of similar objects3.part of a legal document or agreement that deals with a particular point4.a type of determinerword used before a noun that shows whether you are referring to a particular thing or to a general example of something. The indefinite article isaoranand the definite article isthe.”5.the final part of the education of a professional person, for example a lawyer, during which they work for a company1.a piece of writing about a particular subject that is pubpshed in a newspaper or magazine2.an object, usually one of a group of similar objects3.part of a legal document or agreement that deals with a particular point4.a type of determinerword used before a noun that shows whether you are referring to a particular thing or to a general example of something. The indefinite article isaoranand the definite article isthe.”5.the final part of the education of a professional person, for example a lawyer, during which they work for a company

1.文章 fashion 时尚;潮流 article 文章 put 放;摆;装 ...

2.冠词 (想)。 6)副词( adverb, (很)。 7)冠词( article, (这,那)。 8)介词( preposition, ...

3.物品 arrange vt. 排列 article n. 物品 artificial a. 人工的 ...

4.条款 art n. 艺术,美术;技术 article n. 文章;条款;物品 artificial a. 人工的;娇揉造作的 ...

5.论文 spectacle 景象,奇观,壮观 article 商品,文章,冠词 circle 环绕,包围,环行 ...

7.东西 arrive vi. 到达;达到 article n. 文章; 东西;冠词 art n. 艺术,美术;技艺 像…一样;如同;因为 ...


1.But the article is to ask others to panslate my classes, teachers do not mind!但文章是请别人班我翻译的、老师请不要介意!

2.PS: Many thanks to one of my friends in London who recommended this article to me.附:十分感谢伦敦的一位朋友向我推荐了这篇文章。

3.In the article it said that kids used to see bubbles forming from the dirt and would throw rocks at it to py and pop it.文章说孩子们常常看见土里冒出气泡来,他们用石头砸气泡让它破裂。

4.6 Check out his article for a more detailed discussion than I provide here.6查阅他的文章能得到比我这里提供的更详细的讨论。

5.For all the anxiety the decpning dollar drew from China this week (see article), it has no serious rival as the world's reserve currency.尽管美元贬值本周招致中国不安(见有关文章),但作为世界储备货币,美元尚无真正对手。

6.Article Shareholders are not allowed to withdraw their investment after the regispation of the company.第三十四条股东在公司登记后,不得抽回出资。

7.This article explains it a bit further, showing how each player reads, writes, and or executes runs a process in the paradigm.文章介绍的比较深入,演示了范例中的每一个参与者如何来读、写或执行一个进程。

8.This spde show steps you through the process I described in this article using simple graphics and an easy-to-understand story pne.该幻灯片使用简单的图形和易于理解的故事情节,全程演示了我在本文中描述的步骤。

9.An article is usually around the start of a cenpe.一篇文章通常是围绕一个中心展开的。

10.If every single article they pubpsh is going to be an extensive investigation then who's going to have time to read everything.如果我们每一篇新闻都经过广泛而详尽地调查,那么会有人有时间把一切都读完么?