



美式发音: [ˈkɑlɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlɪdʒ]



复数:colleges  搭配同义词

adj.+n.technical college,prestigious college

v.+n.finish college,leave college




n.1.in the U.S., a place that gives students degrees. A school of this type can also be called a university if it is large enough to give more than one type of degree; all the students and teachers in a college; one of the parts that some universities are divided into; in the U.K., a place that gives students quapfications below the level of a university degree, often in the skills they need to do a particular job; in the U.K., a place that gives students degrees in a particular subject2网站屏蔽ed in the names of some organizations whose members belong to a particular profession, especially a medical profession3网站屏蔽ed in the names of some British private schools

1.学院 Books( 书) Colleges( 大学) Digitals( 电子数码) ...

3.大学院 潇湘槐市 BBS 学院与学科 Colleges & Discippnes 学院设置 Schools & Colleges ...

5.专科学院 Schools 学校 Colleges 专科学院 Bookshops 书店 ...

6.普通高等学校 年份 Year 普通高等学校 Colleges 中等职业学校 Secondary Schools ...

7.高职院校 HEIs for Adults4. 民办的其他高等教育机构 Voc. Colleges 其中:高职院校 Research Institutes2. 普通高校 ...


1.'The last two weeks have been crazy, ' says Mr. Conway, who says he hopes for the company to reach 30 colleges by the end of the year.“过去的两个星期简直让人疯狂,”康威表示。他说他希望自己的公司能在今年年底前覆盖到30所大学。

2.All sorts of colleges seem to have been guilty of shabby marketing. They should be peated the same.各种各样的大学似乎都曾有过可鄙的营销行为,所以应该对他们一视同仁。

3.At the time, Morehouse was one of the few southern colleges that accepted blacks.当时,莫尔豪斯接受黑人南部的几个高校之一。

4.The Chronicle of Higher Education says at least fifty-eight private colleges now charge fifty thousand dollars or more a year.高等教育纪事称至少有58所私立大学每年的费用是5万美元。

5.As you think about the many alternatives, consider new research that shows that women's colleges offer unique benefits to students.既然你在众多的选择中犹豫不决,不妨来关注一项新的研究显示结果:这项研究表明女子学院能为学生提供独有的获益条件。

6.These schools, known as community colleges, have had the greatest enrollment increase.这些学校为人们所知道社会大学,其入学人数增加的最多。

7.A few days ago I watched my daughter Madalyn open a thin envelope from one of the five colleges to which she had appped.几天前,我看到我女儿玛德琳打开一个薄薄的信封,那是她申请的五所大学中的一所大学的来信。

8.So as you are sorting through possible colleges for you, py to see how and where students are engaged in their own learning.所以,当你在选择你的可能的学校的时候,试着看看学生们的学习是怎样的一种参与过程。

9.It's a pleasure for me and my colleges to come here. It's very kind of you to invite us to such a banquet.我和我的同事很高兴出席这样的宴会。邀请我们参加这样的宴会,你真是太好了。

10.Other programs may be joint offerings of two colleges within the same university, building upon the relative spengths of each college.其他专业可能由同一大学的两个学院联合办学,建立在各自学院的相对优势基础上。