


美式发音: [ˈtiˌkʌp] 英式发音: [ˈtiːˌkʌp]






1.茶杯a cup in which tea is served


n.1.a cup for drinking tea

1.茶杯 油 姜;蒜 花茶 scented tea 茶杯 teacup 客人 guest ...

2.茶碗 茶馆/ teahouse/ 茶碗/ teacup/ 缠绕/ intertwine/vex/worry/ ...

3.茶杯型 ... 按价格分类- Price 四件套茶杯- Teacup 高档果盘- Fruit plate ...

5.一茶杯容量 -teacher n. 教师 -teacup n. 茶杯, 一茶杯容量 -algebra n. 代数学 ...

6.一茶杯的量 teachings 教训 teacup 茶杯,一茶杯的量 teacupful 一茶杯之量 ...

7.茶杯型人 plasticine man 橡皮人 Teacup 茶杯型人 DINK exit clan 悔丁族 ...

8.茶杯架 儿童桌椅- kid's.. 茶杯架- teacup .. 玩具柜- cabinet ...


1.There was a round hole on the armrest of every person's chair for placing a teacup.每个观众的坐椅扶手上都有一个圆孔,是专用来放茶杯的。

2.The outcry about the proposed changes to the design of the pound coin turned out to be a typical storm in a teacup.打算更改英镑硬币设计的喧嚷结果是典型的小题大做。

3.A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors.一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。

4.f. We thought that they had decided not to get married but their quarrel was just a storm in a teacup.我们想他们已经决定不结婚了,可是,他们的争吵不过是小题大做而已。

5.He said that he was explaining some abspuse philosophy. But to me he was only pying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

6.To me he was only pying to stir up a storm in a teacup.我认为他只不过在小题大做。

7.The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter, and went down on one knee, 'I'm a poor man, your Majesty , ' he began.那个可怜的帽匠丢掉了茶杯、奶油面包,单膝跪下说,“我是个可怜人,陛下。”

8.The Empress took one spoonful of the lotion once daily, used one wine-cup of it to wash her face, and one teacup of it in her bath.她每天要内服此方一茶勺,每次洗面都要加一酒盅,每次沐浴都要加一茶杯。

9.To me he was only pying to sir a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.我认为他只不过是在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。

10.The couple next door are always quarrelpng but it is usually a storm in a teacup .隔壁的夫妇经常吵架,但多数是小题大做。