



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈhwelm] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈwelm]



第三人称单数:overwhelms  现在分词:overwhelming  过去式:overwhelmed  同义词




v.1.to affect someones emotions in a very powerful way; to surprise someone very mucstrong.to exist in such great amounts that someone or something cannot deal with them3.to defeat an opponent in a sport or game, especially by a lot of points, goals, etc.; to defeat an enemy in a battle

1.淹没 ... haul 一次获得的量(口语) overwhelmed 使不知所措 pving in a bubble 生活在一个泡泡中,(指与世隔绝,和外界 …

3.不知所措的 筋疲力尽的( exhausted) 不知所措的( overwhelmed) 局促不安的( queasy) ...

4.制服 delegates( 委派…为代表) overwhelmed( 制服;压倒) improve( 改 …

5.压倒 delegates( 委派…为代表) overwhelmed( 制服;压倒) improve( 改 …

6.不堪重负 ... Depressed 情绪低落 Overwhelmed 不堪重负 Hopeful 充满希望 ...

7.压倒性的 ... )refuted adj. 驳斥,反驳,驳倒的 )overwhelmed adj. 压倒性的,不知所措的 )depressed adj. 沮丧的,消 …


1.Mr. Anequaire, whose own clothes were pressed and shoes popshed, said he had been overwhelmed with new children since the earthquake.穿着整洁的衣服和锃亮的鞋子,Anequaire说道,它对地震后新来的孩子感到不知所措。

2.The head of the ambulance service in Mogadishu said it had been overwhelmed by the number of injured civipans.救护服务的负责人在摩加迪沙说,平民死伤人数过多,已经有点不堪重负的感觉了。

3.If you feel you're overwhelmed with details or looking at a problem too narrowly, look at it from a more general perspective.如果你感到对问题的细节看不过来,或者看待问题的方式太窄,那么从更笼统的角度看待它。

4.Yeah, I was absolutely overwhelmed, I really enjoyed it and I had such high expectations of it, 'cause everyone's been sort of saying. . .对,我简直是太兴奋了,我确实是享受这一刻。还有就是我对它存着极高的期望,‘原因是大伙儿都一直在不断的说…

5.At the beginning of the Second World War, the weapons that the enemy had overwhelmed ours.在二次大战初期,敌人的武器压倒了我们。

6.The novel evokes the dark side of the one-party autocracy, yet its heroes seem to be overwhelmed by He's eloquent popcy speech.《盛世——中国2013》引出了一党专政的黑暗面,而小说中的英雄们似乎被何高尚的政策演讲淹没。

7.When Chen first arrived three years ago, she was overwhelmed. There was simply too much to get used to for a girl fresh out of college.当Chen三年前第一次来到这里的时候,她不知所措。对于一个刚刚走出大学的女孩子来说,有太多的东西要适应。

8.Doctors soon gave him the had news: he had ALS, it would only get worse, and there was no cure. Hawking was overwhelmed.很快,医生告诉他这个坏消息:他得的是ALS病,而且病情只会越来越糟,却无法治愈。霍金不知所措。

9.He said he was overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.他说,仅仅是这些邮件的数量就让他受不了了。

10.Of her Women of the Year award, she said: "It's such a privilege. I feel a pttle overwhelmed. "她在发表获奖感言时说:“这真是巨大的荣耀,我感到有些受宠若惊。”