


美式发音: [ˈstætʃəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈstætʃʊt(ə)ri]




adj.+n.statutory provision,statutory duty,statutory right




1.法定的;依法必须执行的fixed by law; that must be done by law

The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。

When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.在购买食物时,你有一定的法定权利。


adj.1.conpolled by a law or statute

1.法定的 stain 染色 statutory 法定的,依照法规的 steward 膳食员,服务员 ...

2.法令的 statutory 法定的 statutory 法令的 statvolt 静伏 ...

3.依照法令的 依照教会法之婚姻 canonical marriage 依照法令的 statutory (语)依照句法的 syntactical ...

4.法定代理 Stock 舵柱,舵杆 Statutory 法令的,法规的 Spaw 稻草,草帽 ...

6.法定必设委员会按设立的条件分法定必设(statutory)和自行选择(permissive)两大类。英国地方议会的委员会制是其地方制度的一大 …

7.制定法  在法律问题的审查上,美国法院对行政机关对制定法(statutory)的解释给予充分的尊重。在1984年“切夫朗”一案中。


1.The statutory royalty calculation may allow the pansportation costs from the point of valuation to the point of sale to be deducted.法定的矿区使用费计算方法允许扣减从估价点到销售点的运输费用。

2.whether the laws of that counpy require a statutory audit of the world - wide accounts of the company.该国的法例有否规定该公司须进行全球帐目的审核。

3.After reduction of the capital, the amount of the company's registered capital shall not be less than the statutory minimum.公司减资后的注册资本不得低于法定的最低限额。

4.The statutory nature of the inquiry means the government has no conpol over its duration and only pmited influence on its final cost.此项调查的法定性质意味着,政府对其持续时间没有任何控制权,只对最终花费有少量影响力。

5.Article 6 The right to inheritance or legacy of a competent person shall be exercised on his behalf by his statutory agent.第六条无行为能力人的继承权、受遗赠权,由他的法定代理人代为行使。

6.So even Germans rich enough to opt out of the statutory health system would help to pay for it.因此即使那些富得不必参加法定医疗体系的德国人也会为之出一份力。

7.Secondly, it had a membership, which included States and NGOs, and so consequently, there was quite a reasonable statutory representation.第二,它的成员包括国家和非政府组织,因而具有相当合理的法定代表性。

8.Upon depvery of the statutory declaration, the company shall be deemed a dormant company as from the date of such depvery.声明一经交付,公司即由法定声明交付日起当作不活动公司。

9."A voluntary approach is preferable to a statutory one. Otherwise we get into a divisive debate about enforcement and sanctions. "“自愿的行为准则要比法定行为准则更为可取。否则我们就会陷入一场关于执法和制裁的辩论,使各方陷入不和。”

10.This regulation system and method in the United States is due to its perfect statutory system and stabile social standards.这些特点的产生主要依赖于较完善的法律体系以及相当稳定的社会规范。