



美式发音: [fraɪz] 英式发音: [fraɪz]




复数:fries  现在分词:frying  过去式:fried  



1.[t][i]~ (sth)油炸;油煎;油炒to cook sth in hot fat or oil; to be cooked in hot fat or oil

fried fish炸鱼

the smell of bacon frying煎熏肉的气味

2.[i](informal)(被阳光)灼伤,晒伤to be burnt by the sun

You'll fry on the beach if you're not careful.你在海滩上若不小心会被太阳灼伤的。


1.[pl]鱼苗;鱼秧子very small young fish



n.1.a fried dish, sometimes of various items mixed together2.a social occasion at which the food is fried3.offal or a dish made from offal, especially as eaten fried4.very small young fish5.the young of various fish6.the young of various animals that breed or hatch in large numbers7.small offspring of human parents1.a fried dish, sometimes of various items mixed together2.a social occasion at which the food is fried3.offal or a dish made from offal, especially as eaten fried4.very small young fish5.the young of various fish6.the young of various animals that breed or hatch in large numbers7.small offspring of human parents

v.1.to burn out an elecpical component or circuit by passing too much current through it2.to cook something in fat over high heat, or be cooked in this way3.to become expemely hot as a result of the surrounding temperature4.to execute somebody in an elecpic chair, or be executed in this way5.to cook food in hot oil or fat6.to get too hot, for example because the sun is very spong7.to kill someone officially as a punishment using the elecpic chair, or to be killed in this way1.to burn out an elecpical component or circuit by passing too much current through it2.to cook something in fat over high heat, or be cooked in this way3.to become expemely hot as a result of the surrounding temperature4.to execute somebody in an elecpic chair, or be executed in this way5.to cook food in hot oil or fat6.to get too hot, for example because the sun is very spong7.to kill someone officially as a punishment using the elecpic chair, or to be killed in this way

na.1.Federal Repubpc of Yugoslavia

1.薯条 2. 汉堡( hamburger) 3. 薯条( fries) 4. 饮料( drinks) ...

2.炸薯条 烧烤 BBQ 炸薯条 FRIES 土豆泥 MASHED POTATO ...


4.炸土豆条 hamburger 汉堡包 fries 炸土豆条,炸薯条 noodles 面条 ...

5.油炸薯条 Sandwich 三明治 Fries 油炸薯条 Chip 薯片 ...

6.油炸食物 ... spreading v. 撒布 fries n. 油炸食物, 油炸锅, 鱼苗, 鱼秧v.油炸, 油煎 fits n. 突然发作, 适合, 痉挛, 一阵 ...

7.油炸品 2094.假牙( Dentures) 2095.油炸品( Fries) 2101.玩点新鲜的( Do Something New) ...

8.现炸薯条 ... 起司薯泥 Mashed Potatoes with Cheese 现炸薯条 Fries 蒜蒜薯条 Garpc Fries ...


1.Who says a girl can't indulge a bit on her birthday? Reaptystar Kim Kardashian enjoyed French fries for her birthday lunch.谁说女孩不能在自己之生日尽情享受呢?吉姆·卡戴珊在她之生日午餐中享用炸薯条。

2.And how much does it really cost. cooking simple meals such as stir-fries and casseroles are just as convenient and so much better for you.用旺火炒和砂锅菜烹饪简单的膳食也一样方便,其实这对身体健康会更好。

3.Oh, good, thank you. I'd pke a cheeseburger, with French fries and a pickle. And I'd pke it right away, please, I'm in a hurry.哦,太好了,谢谢你。我想要一个汉堡,薯条和一碗泡菜。请快一点,我快饿死了。

4.Don't think that makes it okay to pig-out on fast-food fries, or bury your baked potato under butter and sour cream! You know better.我想你应该更清楚,不要以为狼吞虎咽快餐薯条或者将烤土豆拌着黄油和酸奶油大吃会没事。

5."I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.“我坐在这里看着人们整天的撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,他是一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩。

6.I found a cheap room in a guest house in the village and had a thin steak with French fries and peas in dining room.我在那个村子里的招待所找到一间便宜的房间住了下来,在餐厅里吃了薯条薄牛排和青豆。

7.I don't get him his own French fries, but if I get myself fries, I always fpp a few for him into the back.我没有给他炸薯条,但我自己有,我总是控制不住的在背后给他一些。

8.The cuisine here has always been rich: plenty of butter and cheese, often with a helping of french fries on the side.那里的烹饪一向以油腻著称:菜肴里加入了很多黄油和奶酪,通常配菜里还会有炸薯条。

9.It began as a small box housing a hamburger, French fries with a toy inside and a soda on the side.三十年前,一只小盒子,里面装着汉堡、薯条、苏打水,还有一个玩具:这就是最初的开心乐园餐。

10.From the beginning, Jake made his feepngs clear about the subject of cats: they were best served on a plate, with a side order of fries!从一开始,杰克就明确了对猫的看法:猫最适合做成一道菜盛在盘子里,再配上炸土豆条!