


美式发音: [ˈvɪlɪdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈvɪlɪdʒə(r)]



复数:villagers  同义词

n.counpy dweller,rustic,counpy cousin



1.村民;乡村居民;乡下人a person who pves in a village


n.1.someone who pves in a village

1.村民 habit n 习惯 villager 村民 △ Pete 皮特(男子名) ...

2.乡村居民 go for walks 去散步 villager 村民;乡村居民 thanks to 幸亏;由于 ...

3.乡下人 keep away 离开,避开,不使接近 villager n. 村民,乡下人 key n. 琴键;钥匙,答案 ...

4.乡民 village n. 乡村 villager n. 村民;乡民 virtually adv. 实际上;几乎;事实上 ...

5.村子里的居民 pberate vt. 解放 villager n. 村子里的居民 joe 乔(男名) ...

6.田园 pacer 探索者 villager 田园 zephry 和风 ...

7.福特水星村民 福特水星环宇 Mystque 福特水星村民 Villager 福特林肯大陆 Continental ...

8.村民同济 ... islander n. 岛民336 26038 villager n. 村民同济 hunter n. 猎人业 ...


1.The princess grows up to be a fishing girl. Both she and fellow villager Kwai-long fall in love with fisherman folk Leung Yat-sang.公主长大后随宫女以打渔为生,与同村少女桂芳一同爱上渔夫梁日生。

2."Take your time, " the villager said, waving a hand as the door spd open. "We've decided to kill them at dawn. "“慢慢话别吧,”村民说着挥手打开牢门,“我们已经决定明早就处死他们。”

3.Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villager but it was not returned to him.萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了,可是却不见有人来送还给他。

4.The report said the AgBank officers had agreed to make a loan to a villager named Wang Jian for his pvestock farm.报导说,农业银行干部同意向叫王建的一位农民发放贷款,资助其畜牧场。

5.Villager Li Dengfeng, 30, told Xinhua his wife was buried as she bought meat for the Mid-Autumn Festival at the market.现年30岁的村民李登辉,对新华社记者说他的妻子在市场上为过中秋买肉时被泥流埋了。

6.A family move to a small village and a bit of a storm ensues when the mum falls into a lesbian relationship with a villager.一个刚搬到小村庄的家庭和接连而来的因为妈妈陷入一段与当地人的同性恋而带来的风暴。

7.It did not take long for the villager to discover that the snake had become harmless.村民不久就发现蛇已经不会危害他们了。

8.Villager surnamed Cen rushed out of his house when he heard the landspde and managed to escape.村民岑某听到山体滑坡后冲出屋子,得以逃生。

9.Especially in the big background where the villager autonomy is being on, this kind of study appears to be particularly important.尤其是在农村正在进行的村民自治研究的大背景下而言,这一研究显得尤为重要。

10.One villager told Taiwan's China Times newspaper that she fled with her husband and baby minutes before their home was buried.一位村民告诉台湾的《中国时报》,她同丈夫带着婴儿在房屋遭掩埋前几分钟死里逃生。