


美式发音: [ˈfɪdʒɪt] 英式发音: ['fɪdʒɪt]




第三人称单数:fidgets  现在分词:fidgeting  过去式:fidgeted  同义词反义词

v.freeze,leave alone




1.[i]~ (with sth)坐立不安;烦躁to keep moving your body, your hands or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.

Sit still and stop fidgeting!坐好,不要动来晃去的!


1.坐立不安的人a person who is always fidgeting



v.1.to keep making small quick movements with parts of your body because you are bored, nervous, or impatient; to touch or move something with many small quick movements of your fingers because you are bored, nervous, or impatient

n.1.someone, especially a child, who fidgets a lot

1.烦躁 /Fart( 放屁) /Fidget( 烦躁) /Flex( 肌肉) ...

2.坐立不安 /抱歉 / sorry /apologize /不耐烦 /坐立不安 / fidget /impatient /打嗝 / belch /burp ...

3.你显得坐立不安 /fidget / 你显得坐立不安。 你等(目标)等得坐立不安。 /fprt / 你调情。 你对(目标)调情。 ...

4.烦躁之人 fictitious 假的;虚构的 fidget 坐立不安;n.烦躁之人 fig 无花果;一点儿 ...

5.慌张 fidge 不安 fidget 慌张 fidgety 不安的 ...

6.等得坐立不安 /fear / 就害怕地退缩了。 /fidget / 等得坐立不安。 /flop / 旁边走来走去。 ...

7.烦躁不安的人 ... 烦躁不安的人 : fidget 非常烦躁不安 : fit to be tied ...

8.等人等到烦躁 /fart 大声放屁 /fidget 等人等到烦躁 /flex 展试肌肉 ...


1.Rule Six: As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget.规矩六:当你站在我前门走廊等我女儿的时候,如果等超过了一个小时,不要叹气或者烦躁。

2.I wanted to be a good sport, but the second half of the show was interminable, and I started to fidget and check my email on my phone.我应该做一个讨人喜欢的人,但晚会的后半部分过于冗长,我开始烦躁不安,于是用手机查看电子信箱。

3.Presently he began to fidget on his seat.接着他就坐立不安起来。

4.Or you could take all this as a pcense to fidget.或者你可以把这作为坐立不安的一个理由。

5.At dusk, mother and son began to fidget up, while her son before her face were posted in the windows of the flat, Zhang looked at.黄昏时分,母子俩开始坐立不安起来,而儿子在窗玻璃前把脸都贴扁了,张望着。

6.Do not fidget or constantly pull your skirt down, as this gives the impression you're neither comfortable nor confident wearing it.穿迷你裙的时候不要局促不安或者不断往下拉裙子,这样让人觉得你穿得既不舒服又不自信。

7.It was really a big mistake; fidget and greediness were not the same concepts of that kind.这实在是天大的误会,心痒和手痒、嘴谗当然不是一个概念。

8.She began at length to recover, to fidget about in her chair, get up, sit down again, wonder, and bless herself.到最后她才完全弄明白了是怎么回事,于是在椅子上坐立不安,一会儿站起来,一会儿又坐下去,一会儿诧异,一会儿又为自己祝福。

9.It is a cross between a fidget and a daydream and can tell us something about ourselves.她告诉我,涂鸦根本不是绘画,它介于烦躁与白日梦之间,可以告诉我们一些关于自己的事情。

10.Che School in the absorption of the ink is placed vertically, while avoid the pungent simppstic and fidget.在吸收了浙派纵放泼辣笔墨的同时避免了过分简单和狂燥。