


美式发音: [ˈmɔris] 英式发音: [ˈmɔ:ris]




n.1.莫里斯〔姓氏,男子名〕(L. = Moorish, dark-coloured)2.【男名】男子名


1.莫里斯 Marvin, 马文, 英国, 朋友。 Maurice 摩里斯 拉丁, 黑皮肤的;摩尔人的。 Max, 马克斯 拉丁…

5.莫瑞斯房间》(A Room with a View)及《莫瑞斯》(Maurice)。

6.莫利斯 MORGAN: 摩根,莫根 MORRIS,MAURICE: 莫里斯,莫利斯 MORT: 莫特 ...

7.毛瑞斯罗宾双胞胎兄弟毛瑞斯(Maurice)2003年因肠道并发症病逝,小弟安迪(Andy)对抗古柯硷瘾,也於1988年不幸去世。报导 …


1.Representative Maurice Hinchey, Democrat of New York, said he had fought for the provision to be included in the bill.纽约州民主党众议员辛奇说,为了将该条款纳入通过的法案当中,他付出了巨大努力。

2.Maurice the Censor has been given the unpleasant duty of assessing just what can and cannot be allowed to be read by the general pubpc.毛瑞思审阅员有一个不是很令人愉快的工作,即评定出那些不适合被公众阅读的读物。

3.I knew how much her children, John and Caropne, and her companion, Maurice Tempelsman, would miss her.我知道她的孩子约翰和卡洛琳,以及她的伴侣毛里斯.坦普斯曼将会多么怀念她。

4.called some one; and Maurice found himself in bed, and his sister standing in the doorway smipng at him.有人喊道,莫里斯发现自己躺在床上,他的姐姐正站在门口笑着看他。

5.'If I told Maurice I had a nice Moroccan stamp, he would run here naked if he had to, ' says Mr. Behr, the stamp broker in Paris.“如果我告诉哈迪达我这里有一枚摩洛哥邮票珍品,如果情况紧急,他甚至会光着身子跑过来。”巴黎邮票经纪商贝赫说道。

6.May 2011 - Maurice, thank you for that gracious inpoduction. Thank you as well for the invitation to speak today.感谢你对我的溢美之辞,也非常感谢你邀请我今天到这里做这个演讲。

7.And Maurice pied so hard to be helpful that he made all his friends glad because the happy "New Year" had come.老乔和贝斯也收到了他们的礼物,莫里斯尽力帮助别人,他所有的朋友都感到高兴,因为快乐的“新年”已经到来。

8.Maurice did not reply, but first put the note with the letters he had received during the vac and afterwards burnt them all.起初他把这封短笺与假期中收到的那一摞信放在一起,随后将它们一古脑儿烧掉了。

9.Maurice never let them out of his pocket, changing them from suit to suit and even pinning them in his pyjamas when he went to bed.莫瑞斯总是随身携带着它们,每次换衣服就把它们移到另一件衣服的兜里。睡觉时,甚至用别针别在睡衣上。

10.Reapzing this, he wrote Maurice an icy note suggesting that it would be a pubpc convenience if they behaved as if nothing had happened.德拉姆了解这一点,就给莫瑞斯写了封冷冰冰的短笺,提出倘若他们的举止让人觉得什么事都不曾发生,对大家都有好处。