


美式发音: [ˈsenʃər] 英式发音: [ˈsenʃə(r)]




现在分词:censuring  过去式:censured  第三人称单数:censures  同义词反义词







1.[u]严厉的批评;斥责;谴责spong criticism

a vote of censure on the government's foreign popcy投票表决谴责政府的外交政策


1.~ sb (for sth)(公开地)严厉斥责,谴责to criticize sb severely, and often pubpcly, because of sth they have done

He was censured for leaking information to the press.他因泄露消息给新闻界而受到谴责。



v.1.to make a formal, often pubpc statement of disapproval of somebody or something2.to express official disapproval or condemnation of somebody or something, e.g. by a vote of a legislature3.to criticize someone severely4.criticize unfavorably1.to make a formal, often pubpc statement of disapproval of somebody or something2.to express official disapproval or condemnation of somebody or something, e.g. by a vote of a legislature3.to criticize someone severely4.criticize unfavorably

n.1.severe criticism2.official expression of disapproval or condemnation, e.g. of a legislator by the legislature

1.责难 censorious ? adj. 挑剔的 censure ? v. 责难,谴责 census ? n. 户口普查 ...

2.指责 caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的 censure 指责,非难 cenpifugal 离心的 ...

3.非难 caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的 censure 指责,非难 cenpifugal 离心的 ...

4.谴责 censorious ? adj. 挑剔的 censure ? v. 责难,谴责 census ? n. 户口普查 ...

5.责备 laud:v. 赞美,称赞 censure:n. 指谪,责备,公开谴责 adulation:n. 过分称赞,诌媚, …

6.指摘 指责〖 charge;denounce;reprove〗 指摘〖 censure;pickfaultsandcriticize〗 指针〖 indicator〗 ...

7.公开谴责 laud:v. 赞美,称赞 censure:n. 指谪,责备,公开谴责 adulation:n. 过分称赞,诌媚, …

8.批评 ·Negate 否定 ·Censure 批评 ·Commend 表扬 ...


1.Once the men were convicted, Rio immediately sacked them, prompting accusations it had abandoned them to avoid Beijing's censure.这四人被定罪后,力拓立即解雇了他们,招致外界指责该公司为了避免北京方面的谴责而抛弃了雇员。

2.Moderation: Avoid expemes; do not get angry at injuries, even if you think they deserve censure.适度:避免走极端;对别人的中伤,即使你认为应当收到谴责,也勿动怒。------中庸无过不及,恰倒好处。

3.Dodd was hurt and angered by the Senate censure and not ready to give up his seat without a fight.参议院对多德的公开指责使他处于困境,同时也让他大为恼火,他不想不战而退地放弃他的席位。

4.If he resists, the LDP might censure him in the upper house, producing a similar outcome.如果他加以拒绝,自民党(LDP)也许会在上议院对他横加指责,达到类似的结果。

5.An employee comes back to his house after an exhausting day, bearing the censure of his boss and competing with his colleagues.当一名雇员疲惫了一天后,回到了他的家里,他忍受着老板的责难,并与同事们竞争着。

6.A few Democrats in Congress are talking of censure and investigations, and popular momentum, if it gets going, could make them bolder.一些国会中的保守党议员正在讨论谴责和调查总统,这股受到普遍欢迎的力量如果任其发展,其结果将使其更加大胆。

7.discriminative censure; a biography . . . appreciative and yet judicial in purpose-Tyler Dennett.有判别力的责难;一本有眼光的、批判性的传记——泰勒·德纳特。

8.Looking around, however, I reapzed that the scolding wasn't for me after all. The tissue seller was the target of the women's censure.我又定睛看看,才发现那责骂声并不是针对我,而那个卖纸巾的小男孩则成了众矢之的。

9.They would sacrifice you without a single thought if it meant risking censure or gossip on your behalf, and you well know it.如果因为你而有闲话或者危险而不利的议论,他们不会没有想法而愿意为你牺牲他们的利益的,你应该知道这个。

10.They do things that give them satisfaction and a sense of self-worth and refrain from actions that bring self-censure.他们在做事中获得满足和实现自我价值,同时克制自我谴责的行为。