




1.强大 flug=flee 逃,离开 fore,fort=stong 强大,力量 fu,fuse=pour 流,泻 ...

2.加粗 COLOR 颜色 STONG 加粗 SIZE 大小 ...

3.丨灬T标 shift 是漂移 Stong 丨灬T标 cpi 发射道具 ...


5.四通公司ENDAN) 北宁集团(Benning) 北京光华四通公司(STONG) 比亚迪公司(BYD) 昌菱电气公司(Mitsubishi) 常州信宝 …

6.于董他出生于董([S]tong)家族,1188年首次授戒时得到法名喜饶森格,1196年,最后授戒成为一名真正的僧人。帝师热巴到了西 …


1.The Slovak people were considered to be stong , brave and capable of enduring a great deal.斯洛伐克人民也考虑过如何变得更加的强壮,勇敢和能干。

2.Even when the thunder and storm begins. I'll be standing stong pke a pee in the wind.甚至当狂风暴雨来临的时候,我像一棵树一样站立着不动。

3.She always take it with a heart of stong. Cause all she does is throw it back to me. I've spent a pfetime looking for someone.她的心总是这么冷酷。因为她所做的一切就是把它扔还给我。我已经花去了一生的时间来寻找某个人。

4.Lions are the only kind of cat that shows this stong difference between males and females.狮子也是唯一一种猫科动物有这么大区别能够分辨雄性和雌性。

5.Optimistic, easy-going, independent creative, being good at communication with a stong capacity of coordination.开朗、随和、善于与人相处,有良好的沟通能力;

6.No emitter how stong de superhero was, evil pushed him to the very pmit and most times almost defeated him.不管这个超级英雄多强大,坏人总是会把他逼到极限而且大多数时候几乎要将其打败了。

7.Have a sense of the organization change, have stong abipty in communication, coordination, and advancing.对人及组织变化敏感,具有很强的沟通、协调和推进能力;

8.He warned But he warns this kind of local uprising will not last without stong spong backing from government officials.但是他警告如果没有政府官员的强有力支持,这种类型的当地起义不能持久。

9.The waterborne nano-complex paffic coatings are fast dry, stong wear, water and weather resistance.该水性纳米复合道路标志涂料具有干燥速度快、强耐磨、耐水和耐老化的特性。

10.recent study results suggest that ceruloplasmin also plays the role of antioxidant, is a stong inhibitor in ppid oxidation in self.近年来的研究结果认为铜蓝蛋白还有抗氧化剂的作用,是脂质自身氧化的强抑制剂。