



美式发音: [su] 英式发音: [suː]






n.1.a very small amount of money

1.苏 ... 【 法国影片:我的美国叔叔 Mon On… 【 法国影片:在撒旦的阳光下 Sous… 【 德国影片:当我们离开 …

3.苏斯河阿特拉斯山(Anti-Atlas)之间隔着三角形的苏斯河(Sous)谷地,和北面的中阿特拉斯山(Mo-yen Atlas)之间隔着一片更 …

4.真空 ... 指南 模拟...( Guide...) 真空( Sous ...) 介绍信函,...( Inpo...) ...

5.在…下面 excuser 原谅] sous 在…下面 près de 在…附近 ...


1.He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, and a three-sou dessert.他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。

2.Cheap enough, these opium joints, but I'm short just a few sous.进这些下流场所真是够便宜的,可我还差几个苏。

3.There was no getting away from it. I should have to spend my twelve sous on a candle.这可省不掉,我得拿我的十二个苏去买根蜡烛。

4.Marius ate pke an ogre. He gave the waiter six sous.马吕斯象饿鬼似的吃了一顿,给了堂倌六个苏。

5.Thus, breakfast four sous, dinner sixteen sous; his food cost him twenty sous a day; which made three hundred and sixty-five francs a year.因此,午餐四个苏,晚餐十六个苏,他在每天伙食上得花二十个苏;每年便是三百六十五法郎。

6.You gave me a hundred sous, and I said to you: `I don't want your money. '您给了我一百个苏,我还对您说:‘我不要您的钱。’

7.First he gave twenty sous, then five francs, then fifty francs, then fifteen hundred francs, all with equal readiness.他起先给了二十个苏,接着又给了五法郎,接着又是五十法郎,接着又是一千五百法郎,全不在乎。

8.She began to make coarse shirts for soldiers of the garrison, and earned twelve sous a day.她去替兵营里的士兵们缝粗布衬衫,每天可以赚十二个苏。

9.In the evening, thanks to a few sous , which he always finds means to procure, the homuncio enters a theape.那“小子”总有办法弄到几个苏,到了夜里,他便拿去看戏。

10.'Maria took the twelve sous and was starting out to the tobacconist's.玛丽亚拿了那十二个苏正要去买烟。