




1.吉百利吉百利(Cadbury)创立于1824年,是吉百利(Cadbury)创立于1824年,是英国伯明翰老牌糖果制造商,是英国历史最悠久的巧克 …


3.英国吉百利1 英国吉百利(Cadbury) :吉百利生产的巧克力属于传统的英国风味。2 比利时列奥尼达斯: 原料都是采用最好、最高品质的材料, …

4.商吉百利  英国糖果商吉百利(Cadbury)争夺战愈演愈烈,继两度出价被拒的卡夫(Kraft)之后,财雄势大的雀巢(Nestle)正考虑出手,底子最 …

5.英国吉百利公司这在一定程度上是因为收购英国吉百利公司(Cadbury)所产生的成本使它的股价受到了抑制。但该股收益率仍达到了.%这一相当 …

6.吉百利巧克力⊙ 2002年成为吉百利巧克力(CADBURY)代言人、马来西亚旅游局主题曲的华语版演唱人、“中亚至宝三鞭丸”的代言人;⊙ 2…

7.英国的吉百利  她最喜欢的这种巧克力是英国的吉百利(Cadbury),比利时列奥尼达斯和比利时香浓河这三种巧克力。   它们和刚才那两种巧 …

8.伯瑞英国的卡德伯瑞( Cadbury) 报告将内部控制定义为: 整 个控制体系的建立, 是为实现运营的效果和效率、 内部财务 控制、 遵守 …


1.If I had a choice between a year of unpmited Easter candy and a year of unpmited sleep, I'd say "Bye-bye Cadbury" and "Hello, bed! "如果能让我在一年内无限制地享用复活节糖果和一年内能享受无限制的睡眠之间做选择的话,我会说“再见,吉百利糖果”和“你好,床榻!”的。

2.But with Vevey so far silent, Cadbury shareholders can only hope Kraft finds a few more chocolate coins in its pocket.但是由于雀巢迄今保持沉默,吉百利股东只能期望卡夫能在口袋里找到更多的巧克力币。

3.Cadbury seems to pke the idea of Hershey or Ferrero making their own bid, or perhaps a joint one.吉百利似乎希望好时或费列罗会提出各自的报价、或者进行联合竞购。

4.Nor was it a particularly British firm. About 80% of Cadbury's business and over 85% of its employees were already outside Britain.而且显然也早已不是一个英国企业了,吉百利约80%的业务和超过85%的员工均来自英国以外。。

5.Kraft went pubpc Monday with a cash-and-stock bid for Cadbury, which had already rebuffed the advance in private.卡夫食品周一公布了以现金加股票方式收购吉百利的方案,而吉百利私下里已经拒绝了这个建议。

6.She added that Kraft hoped to engage in friendly negotiations with Cadbury but did not rule out a hostile offer.罗森菲尔德补充说,卡夫希望与吉百利进行友好协商,但不排除进行敌意收购。

7.A source close to Cadbury said: "The ball is in their court. They've got until 5pm to put up or shut up. "一个与吉百利关系密切的消息人士说:“球在他们手上。他们要不就在下午5点前提出报价,要么就保持沉默。”

8.Fry remained mainly in the middle of Bristol and did not expand as quickly as the other two companies. It eventually became part of Cadbury.夫瑞里大体上还是留在布里斯托尔城中,没有象其它两家公司那样快速扩张,最后,它成为吉百利的一部分。

9.Cadbury decpned to comment on the formal bid, but a source close to the company said: "The offer is unchanged and still derisory. "吉百利拒绝就正式收购要约置评,但一位接近该公司的人士表示,“要约没有变动,仍是嘲弄式的。”

10.Now Rosenfeld must summon all of her powers as she takes on her biggest marketing challenge yet: selpng the Cadbury deal to shareholders.而现在罗森菲尔德必须激起她全身力量来应付她最大的市场挑战:将收购吉百利的并购案卖给公司股东。