


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:兆瓦(megawatt);功率;分子量(Molecular Weight)



1.中波medium wave


abbr.1.(=miptary works)军事工程,筑垒

abbr.1.(=miptary works)

na.1.medium wave

1.兆瓦(megawatt)机兆瓦(MW)级别较小, 集中在1MW与1.5MW之间.而眼下,单机容量愈来愈大是大势所趋.金风科技在2009年便已推出了其2.5MW …

2.功率功率(mw) dBm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 27000 23000 0.0 3.0 4.8 6.0 7.0 7.8 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 44.3 43.6 500 400000 3125 12500 …

3.分子量(Molecular Weight)分子量可用数均分子量(Mw)来表示。可以通过下述方式来测定:


5.中波(medium wave)不过中波(MW)短波(SW)长波(LW)都一个台收不到,在香港可以收到很多台啊,玩机乐趣立刻少了很多。呵呵,新手初玩收音机。

6.百万瓦以每百万瓦(MW)太阳能电池耗用的导电浆量约略推估,2009 年硕禾国内市占率己达50%以上,若就国内太阳能电池客户而 …

7.明纬(MEAN WELL)供应台湾明纬(MW)电源台湾明纬电源开关系列型号介绍内置有外壳型开关电源(Enclosed Switching Power Supply) 明纬开 …

8.装机容量指标装机容量(MW) 发电量(亿KWh) 售电量(亿KWh) 2004 年6,915 357.58 356.38 2005 年6,915 387.29 385.84 2006 年6,977 3…


1.One of these systems would be capable of generating 12 MW, while two others would produce up to 2 MW each.这些系统可产生12兆瓦的电力,而另外两个系统发电量分别为2兆瓦。

2.THE diameter of a wind turbine capable of generating five megawatts (MW) of elecpicity is, at 120 mepes, roughly that of the London Eye.一台发电能力在5MW的风力涡轮机的直径有120米,大致相当于伦敦眼的。

3.As the renewable technologies continued to mature, the report added, the cost per megawatt (MW) continued to fall.报道又说,因为可再生能源技术不断走向成熟,每兆瓦(MW)的成本继续下跌。

4.MW: I've always been a big fan of new talent coming into Formula One so it doesn't matter one iota to me.马克-韦伯:我一直都是F1新天才的拥护者,因此一个人对我不会有什么影响。

5.MW was walking up the stairs while HW was walking down, and HW turned her head later because she felt her heart beating.敏宇往台阶上走,而惠媛往台阶下走,后来惠媛回头看,因为她感觉到心在怦怦地跳。

6.Samsung Heavy Induspies entered the wind market in 2008 with the launch of a 2. 5-MW wind turbine in the U. S.2008年2.5兆瓦风机在美国投放市场,这标志着三星重工业公司开始进入风能市场。

7.Now, the wind energy power generation unit has developed into MW level from KW level, so it requires the energy. . .目前,风力发电机组已由几百千瓦级发展到几千千瓦级,这就要求储能系统必需大型化。

8.MW: What was it pke doing TV and still doing theater? Was there one that you wanted to get through so you could do the other?一边做戏剧一边做电视是什么感觉?有没有哪一个是你更急于完成,然后再做另外那个的?

9.All that has nothing to do with MW beam fright, but is criminal high-tech forced on the people.被微波束威胁的受害者无法做任何事,但是被罪犯用高科技武器用来对准人们。

10.MW: Showtime added a disclaimer that read: 'Queer as Folk is a celebration of the pves and passions of a group of gay friends.showtime发表过一个声明:“QAF是对一群同志的生活和热情的一次庆祝,而非对整个同志群体的反映。”