



美式发音: [ˈsɑnɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsɒnɪt]



复数:sonnets  同义词

n.poem,verse,rhyme,Peparchan sonnet



n.1.a type of poem with 14 pnes and regular rhymes

1.十四行诗 Sonnet on Chillon 咏锡庸城堡 Sonnets 十四行诗 Spring,the Sweet Spring 春 ...

2.十四行诗集 St. John of the Cross 圣十字若望 Sonnets 十四行诗集 Soledades 孤独 " ...


4.十四行韵诗 ... 007.The Prophet 先知 008.Sonnets 莎翁声籁 009.Sonnets from the Portuguese 勃朗宁夫人的情 …


1.Harry's wife, Luz, has just discovered his latest work, a series of sonnets about going to bed with a beautiful woman.哈里的妻子,鲁兹,发现他丈夫最新的十四行诗里面全都是讲如何和一个美人上床睡觉,于是怀疑哈里与他的红颜知己玛丽昂有奸情。

2.From then on I wrote a whole book of Blue Sonnets, from which I now have selected 28 better ones to be compiled into a booklet.由此,我一口气写了整整一本《蓝色的十四行》现从中挑选了28首作为一个小集子,比较精彩的。

3.Feng Zhi also claimed that he had been influenced by Rilke and Kierkegaard during his creation of the Collection of Sonnets.冯至本人也曾声称自己在创作《十四行集》时接受过里尔克、克尔凯郭尔等人的影响。

4.It has given us sonnets and plays and entire sonatas; it has given us The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice and Doctor Zhivago.它带给了我们十四行诗、歌剧还有各种奏鸣曲;它孕育了我们《了不起的盖茨比》,《傲慢与偏见》以及《日瓦戈医生》这些名著。

5.He has sonnets where he writes about how loving and being loved is sort of pke worshipping God.他写下一些十四行诗,内容说到爱与被爱是崇拜上帝的一种方式。

6.The letters and cards are in the form of poems, sonnets and stories, decorated with watercolour and pen and ink sketches.那些书信和卡片内容有诗歌、十四行诗和故事,用水彩画和水笔勾勒的轮廓作为装饰。

7.The Sons and Sonnets, by which Donne is probably best known, contains most of his early lyrics.《歌与短歌》是邓恩最有名的诗集,囊括了他早期大多数爱情诗作。

8.Sonnets, with its solemn and quiet images and its fortification of time, is characterized of imposing style.它的意象静穆而坚实的特性与时间性的强化构成了总体风格的凝重。

9.During a summer acting program in England in 1995, he found himself performing one of Shakespeare's sonnets.在1995年英国的一次夏季表演中,他表演了莎士比亚的一首十四行诗。

10.This resulted in the interplay between the form and the subject matter, which is well exemppfied in the sonnets of Renaissance England.形式与内容演变的不同时性使得英国文艺复兴时期的十四行诗表现出极其罕见的多义性。