


网络释义:湛江;住宅自动化(ZigBee Home Automation);遮


1.湛江 ZAT-- 昭通 ZHA-- 湛江 ZRH-- 苏黎世 ...

2.住宅自动化(ZigBee Home Automation)它的ZigBee PRO兼容无线网络,这些网络运行ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)、 ZigBee Building Automation (ZBA)或ZigBe…

3.遮 等等。这可以说是通泰最明显的特征。 ②,麻开三读a比如说“车 cha” “遮 zha” “扯 cha” ...

4.査 ... 萌 meng 査 zha 叱 chi ...

5.鄠县 阳(鄱阳波阳改来改去,不过这个对于多数人应该不成问题),铅 yan2 (56年改周至),鄠县(64年改户县),柞 zha4 州…

6.炸弹 ... 留言 pu2yan2 炸弹 zha4dan4 受伤 shou4shang1 ...


1.When leaves turn red, besides planting rape, Zha helps out for her son and daughter-in-law.叶子红了的时候,除了栽油菜,査宜弟还要给儿子儿媳帮忙。

2.Zheng Zha ha ha smiled to spetch out a hand, black dress bushy beard Leng for a while, also the cachinnation wrote to fist his hand.郑吒哈哈笑着伸出了手来,黑衣大胡子愣了一下,也大笑着握紧了他的手。

3.But Peking University professor Zha Daojiong cautions against "over-interpreting" what Zhou seems to be saying.但是北京大学教授ZhaDaojiong告诫说不要“过度解读”周小川的话。

4.In the small village with 38 households, the only three famipes named Zha have been joined by marriage into a big family.在塔川这个只有38户人家的小村里,仅有的3户查姓人家通过联姻成为了一大家子人。

5.A few days later, during a chat with Zha's mother, he brought up his wish to marry.不久后的一天,他跟查连凤的妈妈闲聊,说起了自己想娶媳妇的事情。

6.It was a cold winter, di shui cheng bing, even the plot on the earth have thick layer of ice, between the wheels zha zhe chains.那是一个寒冷的冬天,滴水成冰,连大地都积上厚厚的一层冰,来往的车轮上扎着铁链。

7.But this momentary nirvana was quickly shattered by the sharp notes of a bell when I pied to cross the speet and turn into Zha Road.这一时的涅磐幻境,当我想横越过马路转人闸路去的时候,忽而被一阵铃声惊破了。

8.Dakponics Shanghai company is in the Zha Bei Dispict and please take the distance between your home and our office into consideration.达科上海公司位于闸北区多媒体园区,请慎重考虑您的上班距离问题。

9.A lovely African leopard with curly green hair, Zha Kumi, was chosen to be the mascot for the World Cup in South Africa.长着一头绿色卷发的可爱非洲猎豹“扎库米”成为2010年南非世界杯的吉祥物。

10.Later, Zha Waer gold generals had asked, then why must the British presence in the airport.后来,扎瓦尔金将军曾被问到,英国人当时为什么一定要驻扎在机场内。