


美式发音: [ˈstimi] 英式发音: [ˈstiːmi]




比较级:steamier  最高级:steamiest  同义词反义词





1.充满蒸汽的;蒙着水汽的full of steam; covered with steam

a steamy bathroom水汽弥漫的浴室

steamy windows蒙着一层水汽的窗户

the steamy heat of Tokyo东京的潮湿闷热

2.(informal)色情的sexually exciting



adj.1.sexually exciting2.very hot and often full of steam

1.蒸汽的 sneeze n. 喷嚏 steamy adj. 蒸汽的, 多蒸汽的 jade n. 碧玉, 翡翠, 老马 ...

2.多蒸汽的 sneeze n. 喷嚏 steamy adj. 蒸汽的, 多蒸汽的 jade n. 碧玉, 翡翠, 老马 ...

3.湿热的 sweltering 酷热的 steamy 湿热的; sticky 闷热的; ...

4.潮湿的 Brilpant 灿烂、有才华的 Steamy 潮湿的 Lavish 奢侈的 ...

5.蒸汽弥漫的 ... (mature) 成熟的 steamy1. 蒸汽弥漫的 neupal1. 中立的 ...

6.蒸气的 95. Repel you 厌恶你 96. Steamy 蒸气的 97. Wink at me 给我使眼色 ...

7.狂热的 20.get across [口]讲清楚自己的意思 21.steamy adj. [口]狂热的 1.script n. 手迹,手写 ...

8.蒸汽似的 ... crotch: 胯部 steamy: 蒸汽似的 booty: 赃物 ...


1.Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of pees is as refreshing as rolpng into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.在一个有树荫的院子里,或者在树林中会使人神清气爽,就像在一个湿热的夜晚,翻身睡到床上凉爽的一侧一样。

2.At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop.无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。

3.A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors.一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。

4.Put a pay of hot water into the bottom of the oven to make it steamy . This gives the buns a thin, soft crust.请在烤箱下方放置一盘水让烤箱有点蒸气,这样会考出来的面包皮会薄又软。

5.The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve.图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

6.Within a few years thousands of students will be enjoying an Engpsh education in this steamy bit of Asia.几年之内,上千名学生将会在这个亚洲的热气腾腾的一角享受到英语教学。

7.I was just reading some news and I saw that someone said Sarah Jessica recently posed for a "steamy" Vogue cover shoot.我刚才读了几条新闻,看到有人说莎拉洁西卡最近成为了《潮流》时尚杂志的封面人物。

8.The dark clothing atpacts the heat and will leave you hot and steamy.深色的衣服吸热,让人觉得既热又汗哒哒的。

9.Berlusconi, who had told his wife he going to a conference, has denied any "steamy affair. "之前,贝卢斯科尼向妻子谎称是去该地出席某个会议,他否认与莱蒂齐亚存在任何“不正当关系”。

10.As you progress round the board, the questions become more intimate & the challenges more steamy.当你进步轮板,问题变得更加亲密和更加潮湿的挑战。