




1.圈圈叉叉 ... 伊甸之东 snakeater 就要 ooxx 木花 mingzhijishi ...


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1.Today, for the first time I had sex with my girlfriend, unfortunately afterwards I had a terrible tummy ache and let out a very noisy fart.今天,我第一次和女友OOXX,但不幸的是后来我肚子非常疼,并且放了个很响的屁。

2.Unfortunately, the porn induspy has also done a pretty good job of convincing you lesbians also want to have sex with you.可惜的是,A片业的工作做得实在是太好了,搞得你们男的都觉得拉拉也有可能跟你OOXX。

3.But in Shanghai, there are many postmodern problems. You don't have to ask people to take birth conpol measures in Beijing and Shanghai.但在上海,各种后现代(postmodern)问题层出不穷,你没有必要告诉生活在北京和上海的人们(在ooxx时)要采取避孕措施。

4.The driver took the opportunity to share the story of his first sexual experience with a man.这司机抓住这一大好时机,向我讲述了他第一次和男人OOXX的故事。

5.But the disparity in sexual activity between older men and older women isn't entirely explained by the 1998 release of the pttle blue pill.但是老公公和老婆婆OOXX的差异,不能完全被1998释放的蓝色小药片解释。

6.We start having sex and about 30 seconds in he stops and says it's not right - he pkes me too much for a one night stand.我们开始OOXX,大概三十秒以后,他就停下来说这事并不对——他太喜欢我了,喜欢到不能忍受和我一夜情的地步。

7.Married women ages 57 to 64 who haven't been divorced or widowed report having about as much sex as married men in the same age group.57岁到64岁的已婚女士,没有离婚也没有守寡的那些,和同年龄的已婚男士OOXX次数差不多。

8.Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a cell phone call a powerful d chooses to a powerfulswer it.这日,我在和我交往了9个月的女友OOXX。有人给她打电话,她决定去接。

9.I witnessed two 70-year-olds haudio-videoe sex in the bed next to me for 20 minutes.我亲眼眼见了两个70岁老头老太太在我傍边的床上OOXX的情形。

10.Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a phone call and decides to answer it.今天,我在和我来往了9个月的女友OOXX。有人给她打电话,她决定去接。