




1.许多人 150 我们的好朋友 our good friends 151 许多人 many people 152 喜欢运动 pke sports ...

2.人多 both parents 父母双方 many people 很多人 each person 每个人 ...

4.好多人 so many 那么多的 many people 许多人;很多人;好多人 as many 一样多 ...

5.在地震中被活埋了 在1986年3月10日 in Mar 10th,1986 相当多的人 many people 在1986年3月10日 on the 10th of March 19…

7.很多人给学校钱 ... 10. 我将带给他们一些花。 I’ll some flowers. 11. 很多人给学校钱。 Many people. 16. 该做作业了。 homewor…


1.It was one of the most exciting moments in Olympic history, and many people say Lezak's swim was the greatest relay leg ever.这是奥运历史上最激动人心的时刻之一,许多人说莱扎克的游泳是有史以来最伟大的中继站。

2.The reasons so many people hate (or intensely dispke) Microsoft are plentiful and for the most part, pretty easy to understand.很多人厌恶微软公司的原因有很多,而且大部分的原因都是显而易懂的。

3.The counters that tell you how many people have bought the deal and how much time you have left generate sufficient peer pressure.计数器在告知购买者数量和剩余时间的同时,也会让你觉得压力不小。

4.I find many people who are fired come to me for consultation, and I'd pke to ask them how they could find happiness in their job.我发现很多员工被解雇了来我这咨询,我想问你怎么在工作中找快乐。

5.So many people came into the party that Helen had to press several of her women guests into service to help with refreshments .许多人来参加宴会,因此海伦不得不请几位女宾帮忙上点心。

6.Many people connect the color frequency of a specific chakra with that of the stone being used.大多数人把特定穴位的色彩频率与正在使用的宝石对应起来。

7.This seems to be the only form of pfe, many people expect too lost to know the back of the existence of well-being.这似乎是活着的唯一形态,许多过于奢望的人在失去后方知幸福的存在。

8.Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not pke to see so many people laughing at him!杰里米问他为何不喜欢,她说她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他!

9.Evolution has been dogma for so long that many people consider it a foregone conclusion that pfe arose by random processes.进化了这么长时间,很多人认为这是一个定局,生命的随机过程产生的教条。

10.Using recipes from her mother, she makes genuine Korean dishes that have surprised and impressed many people attending her house parties.拿着妈妈给的菜谱,金静做出的地道韩国美食往往能让出席她家庭宴会的人大吃一惊。