


美式发音: [ˈriˌfʌnd] 英式发音: [rɪ'fʌnd]




第三人称单数:refunds  现在分词:refunding  过去式:refunded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.full refund,partial refund

v.+n.get refund,give refund,refund money,receive refund,demand refund




v.repay,reimburse,give back,pay back,compensate



1.退款;返还款;偿还金额a sum of money that is paid back to you, especially because you paid too much or because you returned goods to a shop/store

a tax refund税金退款

to claim/demand/receive a refund要求╱接受退款

If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you will receive a full refund of the price of your pip.如果耽搁达到或超过 12 小时,你会得到旅费全额退款。


1.退还;退(款);偿付to give sb their money back, especially because they have paid too much or because they are not satisfied with sth they bought

Tickets cannot be exchanged or money refunded.门票不可退换。

We will refund your money to you in full if you are not entirely satisfied.如果你并不感到完全满意,我们会退还全部金额。

We will refund you your money in full.我们会给你全额退款。



v.1.to give someone their money again, especially because they have paid too much for something or have decided they do not want it

n.1.money that was yours that you get again, especially because you have paid too much for something or have decided you do not want it

1.退款 quantity 量;数量 13. refund 退款;退还;赔偿 14. replacement 代替;替换 15. ...

2.退还 quantity 量;数量 13. refund 退款;退还;赔偿 14. replacement 代替;替换 15. ...

3.偿还 red-chip share 红筹股 refund 偿还 rescue package 一揽子救援计划 ...

4.归还 SAP refresh pushbutton 刷新按钮 refund 归还 SAP regardless 不考虑 ...


6.退税退税(Refund):游客在泰国购买商品,回国时可以要求退还7%的增值税。当天在同一商场购买2000铢以上并印有“VAT Refun…

7.退货  a. 退货(refund):当买到物品不合意或事后改变心意者皆可持收据向原购买商店 退货。若该商店为连锁店,也可至其他连锁商店 …

8.退票A.办理退票(REFUND):退票免收所有相关退票手续费及罚金。●退票金额:1)完全未使用机票 : 依实际结报NET全额退费。


1.Do I get a refund if I paid for the bank inpoduction, but the bank turned me down?我可以得到退款,如果我付了银行的介绍,但银行拒绝了我?

2.But from another perspective, luck conservation, it is only God who owed a refund, those years luck always is not in the Sun.但从另一个角度来说,运气守恒,这只是上帝对曾经亏欠的一次偿还,那些年运气始终不在太阳这边。

3.B: Morning. I'm going to leave this hotel and I still have 200 yuan coupons in hand. Could I ask for a refund?早上好。我将离开这个旅馆了,而我手上还有200元的低优惠券,可以给我退款吗?

4.In the case of the tournament being cancelled teams will be contacted and given the choice of a full refund or to enter the next tournament.假如比赛被取消的话,所有球队将会被联系确认是否要全额腿款或者直接参加下一次的联赛。

5.Mr Graham would pke such a refund to be made mandatory, to drive the "bad actors" out of the induspy.格雷厄姆希望强制执行此退款机制,以将害群之马剔除出此行业。

6.Actually, it wasn't much of a vacation after all, and I was wondering if I could get a refund or a discount.事实上,这根本不是度假,还有我想知道我能否得到退款或者是一部分折扣。

7.Refund for Tickets paid with credit cards or debit cards can only be credited to the card account originally used for the Ticket purchase.如果您购票时使用信用卡或借记卡支付票款,则票款只能被退还到原卡帐户上。

8.In return, I would pke a full refund of the tuition I've paid over the last two and a half years.作为报答,我想拿回过去两年所缴的学费。

9.Many early purchasers of this music bepeved it to be replete with printers' errors and returned it to the pubpsher for a refund.该曲的很多早期购买者(由于无法理解乐曲所呈现的内容)误以为是印刷工的错误而要求退款。

10.If you're studying in the UK, you may be able to obtain a VAT refund if you're planning to leave the EU for at least 12 months.在英国学习的学生:对于在英国留学的学生,如果你打算至少在未来的12个月离开欧盟国家,则可以申请退税。