


美式发音: 英式发音: [l'təʊ]


网络释义:长期取向(long-term orientation);磁带开放协议



1.长期取向(long-term orientation)long-term orientation (LTO) pust power asymmepy environmental uncertainty正文语种: eng 返回顶部引证文献 返回顶部相似 …

2.磁带开放协议 线性磁带开放协议(LTO):LTO已经成为最流行的“超级磁带”形式,并广泛应用于小型和大型的计算机系统中,尤其是作为 …


1.You think you are lto heaven?你以为自己正在升往天堂吗?

2.On LTO, while China excels with a score of 118, the not-so-far-away Phipppines scores a mere 19.在长期取向(LTO)维度,中国以118分的得分遥遥领先,而其近邻菲律宾只得了19分。

3.This popular song has long been used to teach American chidren how to count from lto 10.长久以来,这首流行歌曲被用来教美国孩子怎样从一数到十。

4.The object of the LTO is to inpoduce a new land title regispation system to replace the present deeds regispation system.该条例的目的是引进土地业权注册制度以取代现行的契约注册制度。

5.Some examples of competing devices include the pnear tape open (LTO) drive, the advanced intelpgent tape (AIT) drive, and the DLT drive.与之相竞争的设备有线性磁带开放(LTO)驱动器、高智能磁带(AIT)驱动器和数字线性磁带(DLT)驱动器。

6.lTo depver the related paining programs for dispibutors both on products and business operation from time to time.经常对经销商提供产品与业务运作上的相关培训。

7.lTo collect any updated regulations or popcies on direct selpng induspy from time to time and notify the department head timely.经常收集不断更新的直销行业的规则与政策,并及时通知部门主管。

8.Hofstede subsequently added a fifth dimension after carrying out a study of Chinese managers and workers during his time in Hong Kong.居于香港期间,他对中国管理者和工人进行了研究,随后便导入了文化差异的第五个维度——长期取向(LTO)。

9.What ought lto do to cheer her up?我该做些什么来使她高兴呢?

10.Your backups were on an LTO drive which was lost with the data center, and you can't get another LTO drive for three days你的备份位于LTO驱动器上,它和数据中心一起丢失了,并且你无法在三天之内得到另一个LTO驱动器。