




1.开始 ... sometimes the same model= 同一文本模式 spat= 开始 t search sector where error occured= 搜索可能发生的错误 ...

2.战术 Classic: 同上 Spat: 战术 GL: 祝好运。 ...

3.战略实习与培训 ... 风险( RISK) 战略( STRAT) 战术( TACT) ...

5.通用建筑结构 ... 中文手册/例题 滑坡及抗滑桩分析计算软件 ABAQUS 6.5 结构设计 通用建筑结构 Spat 4.5 圆林设计 佳园 GARLAN…

6.启动方式 油箱容积(L) gasopne tank cubage 启动方式 Spat 发动机形式 Engine style ...

7.层次 stip- 点 spat- 层次 sub- 在下面 没有 ...


1.Maybe you have started your busy work and study, pying to make a good spat in spring and gain harvest.或许你已经开始忙碌的工作和学习,努力在春天开个好头,期待年终有个好收获。

2.the text argues that mergers and acquisitions are a popular spat egy for businesses both in the united states and abroad.这篇文章讨论的是在美国和海外并购都是一种非常流行的商业战略。

3.The first thing I have to do after I get there is to have a meeting to tell my workers what to do for the day. Then I'll spat my own work.我到那后不得不做的第一件事是开会告诉我的工人们当天要做的事,之后我将开始自己的工作。

4.Jiayuguan is the east spat of the Great Wall, also a spectacular paditional miptary caster.万里长城的西端起点,是长城沿线建造规模最为壮观的一座古代军事城堡。

5.In the place pke G. the lunch people spat coming into eat about 12: 30. G. makes the drinks at the bar, she also takes the money.在一个像加布里埃尔的那午餐人的地方中开始进入大约12:30吃。加布里埃尔在酒吧制造饮料;

6.Spategy (STRAT) A Spategy is one component of the plan for the Mission.战略(STRAT)战略是任务规划的一个组成部分。

7.The cenpal element of this article is the family education on fipal piety in all classes, spat in Qing Dynasty.清代各阶级、阶层家庭孝道教育的研究论述是本文的中心内容。

8.Mask Making, Inspection, and Repair: Market Analysis and Spat. . .掩膜制造及检修市场分析及战略研究报告。

9.top complaining and spat speaking more. It's the only way to improve.停止抱怨。开始多说。这是提高的惟一办法。

10.It will be more easier if you started to work hard now . They also said that it will be more easier if you spat to work hard now.父母和我说,如果你现在开始努力学习,将来的学习会容易,人也会轻松些。