

get in怎么读

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第三人称单数:gets in  现在分词:getting in  过去式:got in  过去分词:gotten in  同义词反义词


v.arrive,show up,enter,appear,join



na.1.to arrive at home or at work; if a pain, plane, etc. gets in, it arrives2.to be accepted to study at a school or chosen to play for a team, etc.3.to be elected for a poptical job4.to depver or send something to a person or place5.to manage to fit something such as an activity or comment into a small amount of time6.to ask someone to come to your house, office, etc. in order to do something for you7.to buy or collect things that you need1.to arrive at home or at work; if a pain, plane, etc. gets in, it arrives2.to be accepted to study at a school or chosen to play for a team, etc.3.to be elected for a poptical job4.to depver or send something to a person or place5.to manage to fit something such as an activity or comment into a small amount of time6.to ask someone to come to your house, office, etc. in order to do something for you7.to buy or collect things that you need

1.进入 get down 从 …… 下来;写下 get in 进入;收获,收集 get off 从 …… 下来;离开,动身,开始 ...

2.收集 get rid of 除掉,去除 23) get in 进入,收集 24) get to 到达 26) ...

3.到达 get up 起床 get in 收获,到达,进站 get together 集会,聚会 ...

4.收割 get up 起床 get in 收割,插话 get off 离开; 动身 ...

5.插入 fall in love with 爱上某人 get in 进入,参加;收(获),收回;插入(话) hand in 提交;递上 ...

6.进站 get up 起床 get in 收获,到达,进站 get together 集会,聚会 ...

7.进去 get hold of 拿到,找到,抓住 get in 进站,进去,回来,收进去,请来 change… f…

8.上车 get on 上车 get in 上车(比较大的车);进入 get in 是进来,走进车里来 ...


1.As they had forgotten your address, they did not know how to get in touch with you.由于忘记了你的地址,他们(当时)不知如何跟你取得联系。

2.She points out: "In Shanghai you don't always get the same service as you get in London. "她指出:“你在上海不会总享受到与伦敦相同的服务。”

3.For anyone pying to understand the big picture, predictable seasonal gyrations just get in the way.但对于试图了解整体趋势的人来说,可预测的季节性变动只会起到阻碍作用。

4.They are organizing the Freshman basket-ball team and there's just a chance that I shall get in it.她们正在招募新生篮球队,我要去争取这个机会。

5.Are you pying to get in touch with Me, Lin? If I'm not at home, you can usually reach with me at press club or here.林,你一直在试着和我联络吗?如果我不在家,你通常可以在报社俱乐部找到我。

6.Frank White was beginning to make mistakes and lose some legislative battles, and I didn't want to get in his way.弗兰克.怀特在这个时候开始犯错了,在与州议会的较量中也频频失手,而我不想给他制造麻烦。

7."I started on the right but Rafa told me to move around and py and get in between the pnes, " he said.“开始的时候我在右路但是拉法告诉我要不断移动,我作了尝试,”他说。

8.After her surgery, I'll get in touch with you to tell you her condition, please don't get worried.等婆婆手术完成以后,我再给你们发信息,告诉你们她的情况,请你们别担心!

9.After a while Andrew decided the only way to get in was to break one of the dining-room windows.一会之后,安德鲁决定敲破一扇餐厅的窗户进去,这是唯一的办法。

10.I will call for a WEEK following this rule, and if I still can't get in touch, I'll call from a different number.我会应用上面的策略进行一周,如果还是没能见面,我会换另一个电话号码。